Pay it forward (if you can)

I'm generally a pretty empathetic guy... but it's kinda hard to feel sympathy for someone who bought a bike (a luxury item in Ontario) beyond his budget and doesn't have money left over for gear. Maybe I'm assuming too much? He still has the option of riding without bike-specific gear but I guess he's doing the safer thing in that regard.
Lol a FATHER spending money for a bike and now doesn't have money for gear? Sounds like he's going to be staving himself or something. Also...
Haters be hating. You can say a lot of negative on this guy, but seriously, how many of you have like 5 or 6 pairs of gloves and older helmets laying around?
Haters be hating. You can say a lot of negative on this guy, but seriously, how many of you have like 5 or 6 pairs of gloves and older helmets laying around?

Not me.
Shouldn't this be something to plan for anyways? I'm sure the guy thought of the cost of the bike before and would just like to get his hands on a few free pieces of gear to save a few bucks. Like Motorcycle = Need helmet? Buying things in

Canada especially, how can you not think of taxes when making a purchase? (Something he spent more money than he needed to on)

My bad I read wrong. Apparently he spent his money that he got back from taxes and was left with nothing...?
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Haters be hating. You can say a lot of negative on this guy, but seriously, how many of you have like 5 or 6 pairs of gloves and older helmets laying around?

Not hating. Just don't think there's any need to bust out the violin over this.
If I was a single father the last thing on my mind would be blowing mula on riding.

I'm a single father and I think about doing this every day :(
Hey, im a single father too. Ill have a brand new paintjob, and my insurance costs covered as well. Pretty please? Kidding, kidding. I didn't believe the ad was written by a parent of any kind, until he stated it, still sounds fishy.

Sent from my calculator, using skills.
at first I was like no waaay, this guy is insane! He spent his last extra money on a bike knowing he doesnt have any gear? But then I put myself in his shoes and thought, I looove riding way too much, so i cant blame the guy, heck he may have lots of stress being a single father, and riding is his lil slice of freedom and stress relief. So good for him!!
So if he is gonna ride and does happen to fall, he should have the right gear and so I am going to help him, I just got a new leather jacket so will see if he needs a leather joe rocket, plus i think i have some old boots as well.
I would rather donate used gear to a school if they accept the stuff. When I took my training Humber a lot of beginners came with fashion leather etc.
I don't give to people I don't know. He may be legit but maybe he's reselling. He didn't mention sizes.
at first I was like no waaay, this guy is insane! He spent his last extra money on a bike knowing he doesnt have any gear? But then I put myself in his shoes and thought, I looove riding way too much, so i cant blame the guy, heck he may have lots of stress being a single father, and riding is his lil slice of freedom and stress relief. So good for him!!
So if he is gonna ride and does happen to fall, he should have the right gear and so I am going to help him, I just got a new leather jacket so will see if he needs a leather joe rocket, plus i think i have some old boots as well.

Thank you - that exactly my train of thoughts.
I would rather donate used gear to a school if they accept the stuff. When I took my training Humber a lot of beginners came with fashion leather etc.
I don't give to people I don't know. He may be legit but maybe he's reselling. He didn't mention sizes.

I generally don't like donating to organizations of any kind. I'd rather see my help to go straight to those in need.
I'd do it if I had any gear. Everybody should catch a break once in a while. It is good for the soul. Makes you feel like we are all in this together and realize that everybody has struggles. Someone helped me once and I have never forgot it and I have payed it forward three times over already and I will continue to do so. Funny thing is the person who helped me was paying it forward too and it ended up changing my life immensely in a really amazing way. Just my two cents :)
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I'd do it if I had any gear. Everybody should catch a break once in a while. It is good for the soul. Makes you feel like we are all in this together and realize that everybody has struggles. Someone helped me once and I have never forgot it and I have payed it forward three times over already and I will continue to do so. Funny thing is the person who helped me was paying it forward too and it ended up changing my life irreparably in a really amazing way. Just my two cents :)

You are welcome
i only donate to friends...pulling heart strings on kijiji is just poor taste...besides, plenty of people i've ridden with either show up in what they can scrounge at home or wear ski and snowboard gear until they get their riding gear of choice...meh, sell the bike, he's better off...
yea he should sell the bike, no matter how much his desire is for riding, in his case its inapplicable at the moment.
There should be a minimum IQ requirement for child bearing.

"just bought a bike with my taxes and spent more then i had lol "...

I'm waiting for his next ad... "Just bought a bike with my tax check.... does anyone want to let me borrow some gas?? "
Hmm, single Dad. That implies either he`s a widower or has been through divorce. I`m guessing divorce... Having watched how my friend get totally raped by the family court system when he and his wife decided to get divorced, I am sympathetic to this poor Dad.
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