Passport photos - cheap place in Mississauga?

How to get a passport nowadays (when your trip is over 45 days away and you don’t want to sleep in a Passport Canada line):
- go to Service Canada and submit application OR mail in your application. In person is better, as a clerk will check your documents first.
- after 6 weeks call Passport Canada. You will get a pre-recorded message that you can go screw yourself and a robot will hang up. Keep calling until you will hear a different message. Took me 74 attempts, so be patient. You will get into an hour long line to speak with a live agent.
- Tell the agent that you have travel plans and need to expedite your passport - proof of travel is required.
- The agent will arrange you a date and time when you can go and pick up your passport at Passport Canada.
- Closer to the time an agent from the Passport office will call you to collect expedition fees - from $20 to $55 per passport and will ask to send in a proof of travel
- At a time, go pickup your passport from the passport office. Remember, that this is not an appointment, it’s just the time when your passport will be ready and you will have to spend about an hour in a line to pick it up.
- You have completed a quest

P.S. Your millage may vary
You can do it that way, but it doesn't get you out of waiting in line...

I spent most of my time in line in a camping chair, listening to a podcast and enjoying the morning breeze. It could have been a lot worse!
You can do it that way, but it doesn't get you out of waiting in line...

I spent most of my time in line in a camping chair, listening to a podcast and enjoying the morning breeze. It could have been a lot worse!
I waited an hour in a Service Canada line, and an hour in a Passport office line. That’s it. No camping chairs required.
Update on chitshow. Wife tried to book appointment, first available was almost two months out. She decided to take her chances on waiting in line. Showed up 15 minutes before they open. Was about 30th in line. Only two staff working. Two hour wait. Get receipt showing passport should arrive in two weeks and staff cross that out and write 90 business days from now. da fuk. Staff said it may be longer, call after 90 business days to inquire on status.

Must be fun for people that travel for business as your current passport is garbage from the time you apply and you don't get a new one for at least 90 business days.
It is good idea to go in person rather than mail in. I went to the St. Catherine Passport Office. (a big thank you Twisted Kestrel) for a renewal. Got my new Passport in 7days delivered to my house. If I remember correctly, office opens at 8:30. By the time I receive my waiting-line ticket, sat down waiting, to the time I finished and left, it was about 50minutes. The office staff were super chill!
Anybody go to a Passport office recently? 2 kids need a new passport by January and I'm debating going to the office, or mailing it in.

The youngest is crying in the photo, but you can see her eyes, so I may have to retake that photo...and I'd rather a Service Canada person tells me yay/nay before I wait months for a new passport.
We have a trip in December told at service Canada it will thake until Feb at least so wait until 45 days before the trip and ask for rush.

Sent from the future
We have a trip in December told at service Canada it will thake until Feb at least so wait until 45 days before the trip and ask for rush.

Sent from the future
Planned trip at end of feb. Wife went aug 31 and waited in line at sc for a couple hours (arrived before it opened). No rush order submitted. Attendant crossed out 15 business days on receipt and moved delivery date out to mid january. Passport showed up last week. Posty said his daughters was submitted 5.5 months ago and just crickets.
Planned trip at end of feb. Wife went aug 31 and waited in line at sc for a couple hours (arrived before it opened). No rush order submitted. Attendant crossed out 15 business days on receipt and moved delivery date out to mid january. Passport showed up last week. Posty said his daughters was submitted 5.5 months ago and just crickets.
We were told we have to wait and then Go to actual passport office and ask for rush
Stupid but meh

Sent from the future
Sent the passport applications off on Thursday last week...tick tock. Let's see how long this takes.

Lady at Post Office was saying she's hearing of passports being returned within 4 weeks nowadays. So let's hope so!

Operation #cubaslimdown starts yesterday.
I heard the Kitchener office is very fast with turn around time. Around 10 days.

A little late now.
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