Pan America

Any idea on the back story on this? Video starts after the bang. Everything will blow if you abuse it enough.
The bottom right rad hose is very close to the front cyl header. Duh.
Reading some of the Harley forums. Funny stuff. The hot topic is chains.
Dealer said they last 5,000 miles.
Dealer said it doesn't have one.
Should i oil it every 100 miles?
Reading some of the Harley forums. Funny stuff. The hot topic is chains.
Dealer said they last 5,000 miles.
Dealer said it doesn't have one.
Should i oil it every 100 miles?
100 miles? Jeebus. Stopping every hour to oil your chain really puts a damper on a high speed cruise.

How many have ended up in the rhubarb when they learn that they are not young and 150 hp is no joke?

In all seriousness, it will be interesting to see how this plays out. Diehard hogs could resent the amount of money they have dumped into their classic hd's to end up way below the panamerica out of the box.
Reading some of the Harley forums. Funny stuff. The hot topic is chains.
Dealer said they last 5,000 miles.
Dealer said it doesn't have one.
Should i oil it every 100 miles?
A Hunnert' miles???

Well when my grand daddy had his knuckle he'd get near 150 or so miles before'n he hadda round up some ol' crank case oil to pour on its chain.

I thinks them dealer fellas are just tryin' t' sells you some new-fangled junk.

Who ever heard tell of "chain lube"? Sounds kinda kinky or maybe sinful ifn' yer askin' me.

Reading some of the Harley forums. Funny stuff. The hot topic is chains.
Dealer said they last 5,000 miles.
Dealer said it doesn't have one.
Should i oil it every 100 miles?

I read of one Pan Am owner on the forums met another owner who claimed the chain was lubed for life and the bike was equipped with an automatic chain tensioner.
Dealer called today. I might not get mine. The factory is out of laced wheels. I might have to get a 2022.

I think by September they're all 2022s aren't they? Anyway, tell them laced or no sale. You're not likely getting this bike soon anyway, and you should be locked in on the price.
I think by September they're all 2022s aren't they? Anyway, tell them laced or no sale. You're not likely getting this bike soon anyway, and you should be locked in on the price.
Thanks for the info and the reminder about the price.
And a different but very cool video.
Had a tough couple of days and was thinking of cancelling my order. What's the point?
Went back and reread all of this thread and in particular posts #154,155,157 and 159. There are a lot of really good people here. Game on.
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