Ott legal services


Well-known member
hi bros...just to give you some update for what happen last summer i got a ticket coz some driver in the highway wrote down my number and reported and a police came by my house and hand me couple charges ...I went to this OTT legal Services and they pist me off...they charge me $1,300 for not doing anything..they will not say anything to the court to defense their the result i paid$1,800 for my fine and loss 5 points...the court date was just finished last week...If only I know that this OTT people are just after your money,I just did it myself...So...NEVER NEVER NEVER GO TO THIS OTT LEGAL SERVICES if you have any problem...
hi bros...just to give you some update for what happen last summer i got a ticket coz some driver in the highway wrote down my number and reported and a police came by my house and hand me couple charges ...I went to this OTT legal Services and they pist me off...they charge me $1,300 for not doing anything..they will not say anything to the court to defense their the result i paid$1,800 for my fine and loss 5 points...the court date was just finished last week...If only I know that this OTT people are just after your money,I just did it myself...So...NEVER NEVER NEVER GO TO THIS OTT LEGAL SERVICES if you have any problem...

100% agree with you! I wanted to fight my ticket and before i was supposed to go to court OTT call me and now im arguing with them over whether or not i should fight. ALL THEY WANT TO DO IS DO PLEA BARGAIN. I know paralegals just plea down tickets for lesser charges but this is literally all they do. I wanted to fight and then they were telling me i should take the plea, etc. Then i said, ok i want to take a plea, then OTT was like Oh are you sure?, think about the situation etc.

For me it wasn't as bad as Originals post where they got 5 points:s

Do us a favour and don't use OTT take your money elsewhere where ppl there will actually want to fight your tickets
Next time use Redline aka

Search the forum for reviews.
hi bros...just to give you some update for what happen last summer i got a ticket coz some driver in the highway wrote down my number and reported and a police came by my house and hand me couple charges ...I went to this OTT legal Services and they pist me off...they charge me $1,300 for not doing anything..they will not say anything to the court to defense their the result i paid$1,800 for my fine and loss 5 points...the court date was just finished last week...If only I know that this OTT people are just after your money,I just did it myself...So...NEVER NEVER NEVER GO TO THIS OTT LEGAL SERVICES if you have any problem...

What were you charged with?
What were you convicted with?

Was $1,800 the fine PLUS $1,300 for the OTT service fee?

I also strongly dislike OTT.
Well I have never personally used OTT I have used X Copper. I can tell you I did that many years ago when I wasn't aware of the law and now I have made myself aware of it all. Heres the thing to think about when hiring a Paralegal.

#1. Are they giving you options?
#2. Are they giving you realistic expectations?
#3. Are they telling you to plea guilty without even looking at your disclosure?
#4. Are they telling you what the $280.00 is actually for?
#5. Is there a realistic breakdown?
#6. Can you ask questions without feeling left out as to what the process is and what is actually going on?

Honestly if the company is only in it for money an not for the client then this is usually what happens. Wish I knew about your situation sooner I would have been able to truly help you out. NOT ALL PARALEGALS ARE LIKE WHAT YOU EXPERIENCED. You really need to do your research before hiring one and realize that just because they are a big company and have lots of clients does not mean they are going to work hard for you to get you the best result.


Were you in your car or on your bike? Did the witness come to court?
Heard bad things about them, have nothing but good things to say about Redline though
I would like to know what exactly you were charged with? Excessive speeding, Careless?

It sounds like careless based on the fine... 6 points loss (5 must of been somekind of plea or the JP was being nice ;0)

I don't see how the police can charge for a traffic violation based on someone's ( not a law enforcement professional) perception of what you did? It's unusual for it to happen this way anyway. Unless you were being a total jerk on the roadway.

Please tell me the whole story and I can advise you better. I know its hindsight but I have a close relative that is a lawyer...

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100% agree with you! I wanted to fight my ticket and before i was supposed to go to court OTT call me and now im arguing with them over whether or not i should fight. ALL THEY WANT TO DO IS DO PLEA BARGAIN. I know paralegals just plea down tickets for lesser charges but this is literally all they do. I wanted to fight and then they were telling me i should take the plea, etc...
Do us a favour and don't use OTT take your money elsewhere where ppl there will actually want to fight your tickets

Similiar experience. Wish I knew this beforehand. Simple case but they just did a plea instead of actually trying to fight the case. Clean record in the toilet.
Sorry to hear you had a bad experience...I guess I got lucky with them. I rolled through a stop sign without wearing my seat belt, and the cop came out from behind the (what else...!!!) the BUSH! Anyways, got the stop sign charge dropped, but was charged for not wearing the seat belt. This was like 100 meters from my office in a very industrial area...I have no idea why the cops were there to being with...long story short, Durham OTT got my charges off. Because of this I am now able to pay very little for bike insurance. You win some, you lose some...just make sure next time you search the net for some feedback about who you want to go to...
OTT Legal is after the money and they don't care if you get convicted. They won't even put in the effort for the large fee you pay them. Don't use OTT Legal Services to fight a ticket
Not here to defend OTT but I hired them four years ago to fight a speeding charge I got from the OPP, (49km/h over). I would have gone to the courts myself but couldn't be bothered to go to all the way up to Kingston in the snow. $400+ later and they got my charge reduced to 29 over and 3 points and a small fine (down from $350).

They didn't keep me as updated as I would have liked but I was satisfied with the results.
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