Orangeville area


Well-known member
Construction on Forks, Mono Center, Hockley Valley, and Prince of Whales.

Forks is down to one lane at both bridges with an automated light.

Hockley goes down to one lane with an automated light at the west end near Highway 10.

Mono is closed West of 4th Line. Not sure how far the closure is.

Prince of Whales is closed from 89 to Sideroad 5.
Construction on Forks, Mono Center, Hockley Valley, and Prince of Whales.

Forks is down to one lane at both bridges with an automated light.

Hockley goes down to one lane with an automated light at the west end near Highway 10.

Mono is closed West of 4th Line. Not sure how far the closure is.

Prince of Whales is closed from 89 to Sideroad 5.

I did not know of the construction on Forks as I have not been down there for a few weeks. Thanks, I'll avoid it for the rest of the summer.

The Hockley construction involves the bridge between 1st and 2nd Line. It is down to single lane operation with signal control, which is not too bad as it takes about 3 minutes to get the green if you just missed it.

The Mono closure comes as a surprise to many because there is no sign at either Highway 10 or Airport Road to advise that there is no through traffic without a detour on gravel roads. The entire road is closed for a culvert repair with no through traffic immediately east of 3rd Line. The detour involves 25th Sideroad and 4th Line, both of which are gravel.

I am not sure why Prince of Wales is closed, but is has been a few weeks already and I'm not sure when it will reopen.
Hockley goes down to one lane with an automated light at the west end near Highway 10.

Mono is closed West of 4th Line. Not sure how far the closure is.

Prince of Whales is closed from 89 to Sideroad 5.

All done. Construction signs are still up but roadwork is complete.
Update on this general area, seeing as how tomorrow (Sun 30 March) is likely going to be my first ride of the year and it wouldn't surprise me if others do the same ...

The roads have taken a beating this winter. In addition to the sand and melt-water all over the place, there are some spots where the pavement has heaved, creating enormous dips and bumps that could really do some damage if hit at speed.

I did a scouting run in my car today. If you are northbound on Mississauga Road towards the forks, it is very rippled between Olde Base Line (flashing-light intersection) and the gentle left as you go into Belfountain. Start watching out for ripples as you pass Olde Base Line. Really watch out, and slow down if you don't have dirt-bike or motard long-travel suspension, as you pass the white church on the left. The worst of it is over with when you crest the hill that goes down towards the village, but there is one more nasty spot (the only one that is marked!) right near the 50 speed limit sign.

Going the other way, there's a section of ripples as the road straightens out coming out of the village, then the really bad spot is between the top of the next big hill and the white church. There are more ripples after that, but they aren't quite as rough.

Oddly, in both directions, there is no "bump" sign until well after you are through the worst part of it. "Oh. Bump! That's what all that was. Thanks for letting me know."
Looks like motards are and will be the bike of choice for Ontario and GTA ... LOL ... I will appreciate the 160mm suspension travel available, just have to set it up right.
Really eh. I was saying yesterday I think I will have to change my suspension to the softest setting.

There are bad! potholes where I live in Oshawa. I can imagine it's even worse to the north and east. Too bad I don't have a dualsport. Oh well. That guy here who has a WR250 has the right bike for this season.

My bike has 37mm front fork and 4.7" front travel 3.7" rear travel.
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Just came back ... The ripples are nowhere near as bad on the bike as in the car! Because you are only hitting one track, you don't get the side-to-side violent rocking as with a car. And I suspect the bike has more suspension travel ... Still wouldn't want to hit those ripples at high speed, but on the bike they're OK at the posted limit (ish). Not so much in the car. Trucks and cars are slowing down a lot for them; do be prepared for that ...
I went skiing over at Hockley yesterday - the snow was great. On the way home I saw four Spyders running nose to tail along Hockley Road. No worries about hitting the melt off that freezes in the shady areas with one of those.
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