Orangeville area riders.

Ya wtf is going on...wheres our global warming?
I was just so happy to see they didn't do the salt / sand thing again...the roads are just starting to get clean!
Seems like every time we get a cleaning rain it's followed by snow / salt / sand.:(
Hopefully that will be the end of that crap!
No...i was probably shovelling snow at the time the movie was on !!
Sorry guys, it's probably my fault. I just got the bike out of the shed and went for a little run on Wednesday up to River Road. The weather has been crappy ever since! Global warming my a**.
Crap....I was just about to roll my ride out for it's first start....guess I'll wait for awhile !
I'm hoping , once again, that was the last of the salt that was dumped on early Thursday morning.
I seen the salt on the bypass and hwy 10......errrrr!!
We've had our cleansing rains since so ....maybe now we're good to go ??
It was. Turned out beautiful later in the afternoon, so I went for a short ride through Hockley and down to The Forks (since it was open). Get there today because it will be closed again tomorrow.
Ok,I'm tired of waiting for better weather to get here,finally have my bike fixed,going for a ride or two this week,anyone up for that?
I'll try to join in too with you guys if I'm available and theres no rain / wet rds.
Post the meet time.
ahhhhh....just came back from ride !
Dry , warm , sunny, clean rds and ...hardly any bugs !

I tried to logon gtam around 7 but the site seemed to be having some issues ( tried a few times).
Went arounf town to see if anyone was out but, ..didn't see anybody so, .. I did a run for about an hour.

Damn it was nice!

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