Orangeville area riders.

Wow !!...seems like there's quite a few riders in the area who would be intersted in getting together for some rides and / or Burrito Boyz runs:p

I've started a list of peeps, some have provided txt #'s, and so far there's about 20 who have shown some interest..!!

Whenever the next meet or first ride happens, Zeniceguy or myself , will make contact with all.
Try to hang on a little longer!
Hopefully spring will kick in soon and wash our roads so we can all get out:D
Ya can do...maybe we'll meet ya up there or on the way.
That sounds like a weekend ride as oppossed to a weeknite ride tho.
You've got some prime rds in that area. I used to ride up there after work but, the ride home was usually in the dark and....watching for deer!
No biggie..just would blink till I got south of 89 again:)
I'm posted to Borden in July for my next course so will be around through the week evenings for rides... Weekends are race time!
I saw a duel sport bmw (not sure of the exact model) in the walmart parking lot in oville this evening...maybe somebody from here?
Crap !!
I guess todays weather , of more snow again, sets us back even further for our first little run arounds.
Seems like just when things start to melt winter returns. Roads even started getting cleaner with the rain last Sat am ( which then changed to snow by dinner time !!).

Any chance of another pre-season meet up in Orangeville? I missed it... but I wanted to meet more of the locals.

I've been in Fergus for about a year now, but the wife's nightshifts screwed my weekends. That ends in may, so I'll be out lots more in 2011. (I still put on 15000 km on last summer - I like to ride)
I missed the first meeting due to work.
I'd be up for something next saturday or sunday..... (18th or 19th)
I'd be up for something next weekend - something more in the eve or the day of Sunday (20th). I'm only really busy on the 19th.
sunday march 27th at boston pizza again?
that gives us the hope of a little bit better weather by the :)
sunday march 27th at boston pizza again?
that gives us the hope of a little bit better weather by the :)

I was suggesting next weekend because after that I'm out of the country on vacation. I won't be back until riding reason starts!

So, anyone up for the a get-together on the 18th or 19th?
I may well be good for either the 18/19. Just sort of clear up the date/time and I'll try to keep it free.
I'm good for the 18th or 19 as well.

I may well be good for either the 18/19. Just sort of clear up the date/time and I'll try to keep it free.

Why don't we say Saturday the 19th at the Boston Pizza around 8:00pm? I figure some wings, maybe a couple of beers, shoot the **** for a while and then head home.
I won't have the bike out of storage yet so I'll be in the cage. If anyone want my cell, just pm me.

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