Ontario's Top Ten Motorcycle Routes

I was going to trade my Beemer RT for a sport bike but I realized I live in Ontario.
You need a Sport-Tourer to get you to the nice roads then it turns into a reasonable SS in the twisties.
Get a VFR....perfectly mix of Sport and Touring with one of the Best bike engines ever made. (The V4 w/Gear Driven Cams)

Thanks OP for the list. I'll be hitting them up this upcoming season.
My 06 Honda Hornet is alright for long distance riding.

Thanks for the roads, i'm looking at hitting them when it warms up
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Nice list, thanks for posting! My Ontario dream ride is to do all the Great lakes in one day. Not sure how it will go but definitely has some of your routes on them!
This is pretty useful information for me - I was planning on doing a top ten roads article, rather than complete routes. I respect a lot of what has been said - we have some great roads and some dull ones, and often you've got to go way out of your way to get to the good ones, but it's not only about the ride, but about the scenery, the people you meet, the restaurants and accommodations, which I would take over many of the twistier states to the south any day.
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