Ontario should make winter tires mandatory.

On Thursday it took 4 hours to drive 35 km along Bovaird, Castlemore, Rutherford.

Mercedes coupe stuck on the slight uphill on Bovaird at Dixie ... couldn't get up the hill. Not too much further along ... two BMW sedans having an extremely slow-motion uphill race. Past highway 27 was the best one ... a York Region transit bus that wasn't going anywhere.

Wasn't my coupe.....mine has snow tires all the way around, and brand new to boot.....we was not getting stuck in anything....

bring on the snow.... :-)
For some stupid reason, i used to pass people going up Morningside Ave.,
when I had bald Summer tires in Winter as a kid with a beat up RWD AMC Hornet, with the big six.

Some of the issue is related to skill, some is to the situation, and some to the car and tires.

What I've found is that better tires make it easier to start, and to keep momentum.
The key seems to be smoothness and consistency. I wouldn't count on them to stop any better.
Mercedes coupe stuck on the slight uphill on Bovaird at Dixie ... couldn't get up the hill.

We do NOT call that a hill in other parts of the world ... LOL

On a serious note, I will always consider a driving skill much better problem than a tire. I look at people's front tires every time they are not moving and it explains everything. Absolutely no concept at all of traction, because obviously nobody ever told them.

The diesel is god's gift in bad snowy weather ... LOL .... up to third gear no throttle, torque just pulls it, regardless whether I have all season or winter tire.
I can see where everyone in Ontario will be on winter tires, when speaking to their insurer over the phone ... What happens when people lie about their tires and then have fault or no-fault accident???
So it'll be more like, "if you want normal rates, get winter tires. If you want an increase, don't get winter tires".

Sounds about right for the Ontario insurance policy holders...
I can see where everyone in Ontario will be on winter tires, when speaking to their insurer over the phone ... What happens when people lie about their tires and then have fault or no-fault accident???

My guess is the same that happens when they find out you put a turbo on your "stock" Civic.
My guess is the same that happens when they find out you put a turbo on your "stock" Civic.
I'm sure we're not expected to use winter tires all the time. Unless there's more specificity to the regulation, It reads as though I could use winter tires at any time and get the "discount". It would be up to the insurer to prove that I've never used winter tires if I make a claim.
One company I asked had specific dates you are expected to have snow tires on your car. Another just said, "When there's snow on the ground and a need for winter tires, you should have winter tires on the vehicle. At the very least you must own a set of winter tires at all times." They also said if I were involved in a claim and did not have winter tires on during "winter months" my claim would be denied.

It was annoyingly vague with my current insurer. The one with specific dates felt like I'd be less likely to have problems with a claim (presuming I had winter tires on the car during those dates).
I fired an email off to my insurer RBC to see what guidelines and policies have been enacted for winter tire usage. I have dedicated sets for both my vehicles, would help to get a discount to offset the initial cost.
I'm sure we're not expected to use winter tires all the time. Unless there's more specificity to the regulation, It reads as though I could use winter tires at any time and get the "discount". It would be up to the insurer to prove that I've never used winter tires if I make a claim.

If you crash heavily in the winter months because you had "momentarily" removed the snow tires you claimed you had on the car, the adjusters won't find it hard to notice that absence when they come visit your car in the tow yard. Then let's see how well they respond to your collision or DCPD claim.
If you crash heavily in the winter months because you had "momentarily" removed the snow tires you claimed you had on the car, the adjusters won't find it hard to notice that absence when they come visit your car in the tow yard. Then let's see how well they respond to your collision or DCPD claim.
The wording in the description of the regulation that Jayv linked to is "to require that all insurers offer a discount to policyholders for the use of winter tires." It doesn't say they have to be used at any particular time.

Anyways unL33T provided a great answer. I guess each insurer will set their own requirements for what is considered valid "use of winter tires".
I fired an email off to my insurer RBC to see what guidelines and policies have been enacted for winter tire usage. I have dedicated sets for both my vehicles, would help to get a discount to offset the initial cost.
They haven't been offering it? I've been getting a discount for several years now.
Is it time to put the snows on yet?
You don't need snows. Please reference my 76 other posts on the matter.

I don't live in Toronto where the smog keeps the snow out.

Ever lifted all four tires off of the ground? Run into a curb on a turn and lost a hubcap? Done a 360 on the 401? Seen a giant crash and had to have a crane come in and lift the 401 barrier so that you could turn around and go back? Every time I head to Toronto in the winter I see 2 or more cars in the ditch.

You need snow tires man. Unless your 76 other posts discuss how you cuddle up inside your blankey with a nice warm hot chocolate all winter.

And I only needed one post to say that. :p
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