What are your thoughts on it?
I think if the liberals came back to power we should all move out of Ontario.
I think if the liberals came back to power we should all move out of Ontario.
Budgie farts.
Pack your bags.
What are your thoughts on it?
I think if the liberals came back to power we should all move out of Ontario.
You know a place where it's better? Do tell. (Seriously, I need to know.)
Alberta. No provincial sales tax, only 5% GST, 10% income tax rate for all income. I hear people are nicer???
10% income tax?
Alberta. No provincial sales tax, only 5% GST, 10% income tax rate for all income. I hear people are nicer???
ya and what you don't pay in sales tax the retailer screws you outta, remember they got oil money so the prices on items are outrages on most things.
i just spent the last 3mths there training.
Alberta. No provincial sales tax, only 5% GST, 10% income tax rate for all income. I hear people are nicer???
I didnt see that in Calgary.
I was specifically looking at prices of things to see how it compares to Ontario and grocery stores, best buy etc all had about even prices. Its when you get into services that it becomes crazy. Need a roofer....get ready to bend over. Labour there costs, not goods.
Ofcourse if you're in Fort McMurray or other oil related industry towns i fully agree. Its a totally different subset of economics.
Yeah, and I understand they have zero corruption. Right, Ms. Redford?
. What did you do with all the extra tax revenue when we switched to HST from GST? Oh thats right, it magically disappeared.
I suggest some of you travel the world to see how good we have it in Ontario. And that includes the fecal hole to the south of us.
2. Our free health care has turned into crap. Almost wish it was like USA atleast you pay you get served. 4-6 month wait for an MRI. Go to a cancer patient where every moment counts.
I can't help but chuckle when I hear "free healthcare"
We need to re-work our collective social conditioning to rid ourselves of this error in the matrix. Our healthcare is not free.
2 adults living together, making $100k, are actually spending upwards of $10,000/year on healthcare. That's over $800 per month, every month, for the rest of your life- regardless of how healthy you are. Meanwhile the single guy living down the street, eating McDonalds and doing trackdays every weekend is only contributing a fraction of that. Guess who's paying to fix his broken leg when he crashes at Shannonville?
Not only this, but healthcare spending has been skyrocketing compared to costs of other necessities. This is a problem that needs addressing.