Ontario: Its illegal to even hold a cell phone now

Out all my years of driving and riding. All the close/accidents were from slower drivers and indecisive drivers. I rarely seen any close calls/accidents caused by someone going or going above the speed limit. I agree cell phones will cause more distractions, but not any more than someone putting make up on or eating a BigMac. And you really cannot inforce the laws unless cell phone makers produce phones that shut down in a moving vehicle.

There are a million things that distract drivers.
And you really cannot inforce the laws unless cell phone makers produce phones that shut down in a moving vehicle.

Enforce. You should pitch that idea to the makers of android phones. Then they'd have the best mobile phones EVARRRRRRRRRRRR :thumbup:

Nothing you can do will stop people from finding a way

Drunk driving laws should be abolished, there should be no maximum level for alcohol in the blood while driving.

Why ? Well look at it this way, when the law says that at 0.08 you are incapable of driving, it also says that at 0.079 you ARE capable of driving. We all have that one friend that can't stand up straight after one beer, but the law says that because he might only blow a 0.04, he's perfectly fine to drive.

There are 2 charges available; impaired operation (or care and control) and operation over 0.8 (or care and control)...

You can be guilty of impaired (physically drunk) and NOT over 0.8, and you can also be guilty of 0.8 and NOT be impaired... or guilty of both. That'll take care of that friend you mention.
Out all my years of driving and riding. All the close/accidents were from slower drivers and indecisive drivers. I rarely seen any close calls/accidents caused by someone going or going above the speed limit. I agree cell phones will cause more distractions, but not any more than someone putting make up on or eating a BigMac. And you really cannot inforce the laws unless cell phone makers produce phones that shut down in a moving vehicle.

Unfortunately too many people feel this way and they are wrong. It isn't the physical distraction. It is because an involved conversation gets a driver thinking about the problem on the other end of the phone instead of the one on the other side of the windshield.
Unfortunately too many people feel this way and they are wrong. It isn't the physical distraction. It is because an involved conversation gets a driver thinking about the problem on the other end of the phone instead of the one on the other side of the windshield.

It's funny, i work on the phone all day with customers, have to multitask, i've learned to tune out the conversation and focus on my immediate surroundings... Not like the customer's are saying anything important or different...
Unfortunately too many people feel this way and they are wrong. It isn't the physical distraction. It is because an involved conversation gets a driver thinking about the problem on the other end of the phone instead of the one on the other side of the windshield.

Well then, its clear we should be banning the real problem here : conversations!
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