Ontario Healthcare Cuts


Well-known member
Please show your support. I know the site is geared more toward doctors (I am not a doctor), but "Technical fees" are on the chopping block too. For better or for worse, technical and professional fees are how our public healthcare system supports itself.


As a hospital worker in an outpatient clinic, these cuts will probably mean the end of my job.
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Get ready to lose a bunch of docs to the US.
No thanks.
When I go to the ER I defiantly need a couple more hours to reflect before seeing a doctor.

Who got the idea anything could be cut from heathcare
Stop bailing out the corporations like banks/TTC/Air Canada/VIA Rail/Auto companies.
Get ready to lose a bunch of docs to the US.

or to Alberta if Premier Redford keeps her election promise to open over 100 family care clinics. Man it's hard enough getting a family doctor here and most aren't accepting new patients. Last time I've been to a family doctor was 20 years ago.

If people can't get family doctors they'll go to the hospitals especially if their little baby 'seems' sick.
No offence to the OP..but I don't think you can summarize the problems of OHIP in a one page website. That's a little optimistic..
No offence to the OP..but I don't think you can summarize the problems of OHIP in a one page website. That's a little optimistic..

No offense taken, as the goal is not to summarize all of OHIP's problems.

The goal is to show support for the healthcare system/doctors and try to prevent damaging cuts. Cuts that will only create more problems.
No offense taken, as the goal is not to summarize all of OHIP's problems.

The goal is to show support for the healthcare system/doctors and try to prevent damaging cuts. Cuts that will only create more problems.

It's tough for me to support something without any real presentation of the facts. I just think they need to do a better job of explaining their position. Maybe cuts are a good thing..I really don't know.
That website is pretty vague. What is specifically wrong with the recent cuts?

As a professional who works in the industry in question, what do you think of this article?

The problem is that the cuts are not as well thought out as they could be, in many cases they are just blanket cuts across the board. For example technical fees (the ones that affect me specifically) are supposed to be cut by 10% per year for the next 3 years. Taking doctors out of the equation for the moment, this means that many owners of clinics/facilties will need to shut their doors as their business will no longer be economically viable (it is a business unfortunately). What will that mean for wait times? Take a guess.
Calculated cuts should be made to the healthcare system. There are a LOT of issues that need to be addressed. The cuts should be well thought out and selective. NOT blanket cuts that will negatively effect many areas that are already under serviced and under funded...
That is physicians specifically, not the overall healthcare system. It does not really mean much as the provinces fund differently. I can tell you that I personally know doctors that have gone to Alberta (see the green line on the graph) for salary increases in the 100s of thousands...

See, I didn't know that. They really need to do a better job of educating the public.
Should consider the annual fee like in BC
Isn't the average salary of a doctor in Ontario $380K? It's gone up at unsustainable rates in the past few years.
There is so much mis-information out there it is hard to know what to believe. The health care system is fragmented and funding models support poor decision making. It will take some really hard decisions to get things on the right track, something that is not likely to happen with a minority government. Any shift of funding to more cost effective solutions will be opposed by those who gain from the ineffective solutions. We can only hope that the people making the decisions have the greater good in mind because you certainly can't figure out what is right by listening to the rhetoric spewed by special interest groups.
the healthcare system is broken
Isn't the average salary of a doctor in Ontario $380K? It's gone up at unsustainable rates in the past few years.

Nope... that is interesting though. After reading what you have there i googled what i presume you did, and came up with this: http://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/news/release/2012/may/bg_20120507_2.pdf propaganda plain and simple.

There is a huge difference between what a doctor "bills" and what they actually get paid ("salary"). Just another smoke screen to win the public over. Notice how they did not actually tell you what the average salary was? As an example, lets think of an MRI or similar test. A doctor will bill a professional fee and a technical fee for the test. The professional fee is what they are paid, the technical fee goes to the facility (hospital or the like) to pay for staffing, equipment etc. In fact in many cases the technical fee is significantly more than the professional fee. It is still billed using the doctors billing number however, adding to their "billing" total...

Again, this is not just about what doctors are paid... (see first post)
Yea i heard that it is closer to the 100k mark. Dam this propaganda, at least the internet is still somewhat free...but they are trying to take it away from us with these bills and price gouging grrrrr, i need some sleep

Sent from my calculator, using skills.
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