Ontario GTA photo tag

Just rode 50km each way thinking this was the old tag :( looks soooo similar:
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Crappy tag.
Crappy tag.
nanobots fixed his hint: last night it said, "street is off of knightswood" (misleading) and since he added "/greenock" which is just as good as giving you the street name "Whitburn." Little Golden Google Guy agrees this is the spot. If you could only tell that it was Canada's Wonderland in the background, it might be better, but as it is, this could be just about any neighbourhood.

nanobots, I made a similar faux pas in one of my early tags - I had someone riding around looking for a spot that I thought would be easy to find, but it frustrated the follow-up taggers. Since then, I've tried to keep it to things that are a bit easier to find, or at least distinctive. I think that most of us (if not all) agree that the game is more about the riding and photographs than searching through google maps :)

BTW - don't be expecting my normal early-Saturday-morning tag tomorrow... I'm off to a wedding tonight. :drunken:
Just what I want to do... 400 north on the Friday of a long weekend.... Lol
Just what I want to do... 400 north on the Friday of a long weekend.... Lol
:lol: Yeah - traffic on the 400 North through Barrie is already building (I can see it out the back window at my office) and it is barely afternoon - I'm glad I'm headed southbound for the wedding. :lol:

Enjoy the wedding iav8!
Thanks A.K., its always a good time at weddings - I wish I could ride down and grab the Golden Horseshoe tag on the way. Hmmm... Than again, I've always wanted to try this, but have no time for customizing the old v-strom before the wedding...
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Hehe sorry guys, I figured if the hints are searchable on google maps it would be easy to find, say a 5minute search n drive. Especially given the direction in which the photo was taken, theres not many possible locations.

But I guess not everyone using gmaps. Sorry again!

I had the hardest time trying to find out where that "philips" building was!
gqelements thanks for the hint :D

Anyway grab the tag, jav8 gave it away now LOL
C'mon, you taggers are insulting me now!!! Thats the last time I shoot in a residential area... lol!

Come on and go grab it already :)
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