Ontario GTA photo tag

I wasn't referring to the fact that it would be horrible lighting conditions for a picture... I was referring to the fact that I would need to find a random tree... in the middle of nowhere... in the dark.

Yes, that is fun too. :-)
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Week-in-review (July 28 to Aug 2)

Decent movement in Week#14 of 2012 GTA Phototag

The big mover was bikermahn :salute: with his 4 tags this week to tie iav8 at 18 tags, but moves ahead in the rankings to own 3rd spot because of his higher SumOfOrdinals tally.
Not far behind is slowpoke who came to life this week also with 4 tags.
IXFe stays atop the leaderboard with two tags this week to increase his lead slightly over a vacationing afelotreyu.

The other big mover this week was Ride_Safe with his two tags which vaults him up 4 spots on the standings to #9. Welcome to the illustrious Top-10! :thumbup: May your stay be long and storied!

Bonus points and honorable mentions to sinbin for his dramatic tag grab @ Twig's. LOL! :lmao:The tag moved him up two spots to #12 this week.

Have a great weekend!


*the map has been updated
darn my damn phone died! had to ride back to office...and then.I missed it :(

Lucky you... I don't have a smart phone, so I have to drive all the way back home to Newmarket every time I post!


Hint (previous tag picture... it is very close to this place)
New location already?

Lots of people will wait and post old and new tags at the same time. Confusingly, there is no requirement for the new tag photo to be taken after the old one was taken.

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New location already?

Like I said... I have to post from my computer at home. So I typically take both old and new pictures before I come back.

Edit - @slowpoke:

By the way... that fake building next to the fire station is really cool and interesting!
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which explains why the brooklin tag I was there 1 minute after you posted the tag :P

Yeah, I believe I was in Brooklin around 2ish, and I didn't end up posting the tag until 4:40 once I got home.

I also got a bite to eat at Shamrock while I was there too. BEST BURGER PLACE EVER! Definitely a better 1st place prize than ice cream. :)
I just got back from that road... you weren't kidding about the reward. I took a picture while I was there.

Unfortunately, I noticed my low beam had burnt out, so I decided to head straight home, instead of finding somewhere else to tag. It was getting dark and night riding with only a high beam isn't exactly safe. (I have a bright parking light that works sufficiently, and I would just flash my high beam on/off, if I needed someone to see me.) I'll post the tag in the morning after I get a new bulb, unless someone else posts before then.
Old tag: 55 Twyn River Dr. - Great road in the day, at night with traffic and animals... well :confused2:

New Tag:

Given the nature of the building, I'm surprised it's not more interesting to look at. ;)
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