Online Store for Survival/Outdoor gear?

Lots of places to buy good gear but you should shop around if you want to get good deals and dont just go to one shop. Unfortunately, I don't think there are many good deals from online Canadian retailers.

MEC & Sail are both good shops to with lots of selection especially for equipment.. If you keep an eye out for some sales, Atmosphere is also a good shop too.

For outerwear I also noticed that Salomon/Arc'Teryx have an outlet in Niagara Falls (ontario). Columbia sportswear is opening an outlet store at the Premium Outlets that is opening in milton in August. The high end Columbia stuff is actually really good and nothing like the cheapo low end stuff.

I have become a big fan of Eddie Bauer's 'First Ascent' mountaineering line. They have some good quality stuff and all of it has a lifetime guarantee and usually scores very well in reviews by outdoor/backpacking website magazines.. I have some technical outerwear from them and all of it is super light and top notch. Keep an eye out for sales/clearances and you can score well. I got a shell that is normally $250 for $39. If you go to the outlet, you can get some good deals as well.
I don't even think they charge a premium. For most items I've found their costs are lower than the competition. They just have expensive stuff. It's not more expensive simply because MEC sells it. I guess you could say their MEC-branded items might be expensive. For example, the best prices I've found for Pelican cases (without going to the US) is from MEC.

Personally I'd find all my items I needed on and have it shipped to Buffalo.

MEC does not have the best prices on everything and their own brand isnt inexpensive. They do price match and Ive done that plenty of times.

They do have great prices on pelican and their clearance sales are pretty awesome.
Mec is usually cheaper than REI. Pretty good for a canadian retailer. Their clothing variety sucks lately. They only carry their own brand and pattaguci. They dropped osprey line of backpacks.
I start caring about price difference at $25 if it's local or even just in Canada. I need to be saving over $100 to bother with cross-border

Those are all canadian retailers in the GTA.

But I agree that I wouldnt cross border for less than $50. Im just pointing out that you can get the best price and take it to MEC who has the best return policy and have them price match. I do this all the time. I find Europe Bound has the best prices, but returning anything there is almost impossible so I refuse to shop there unless its a crazy deal like at their outlet store.
Mec is usually cheaper than REI. Pretty good for a canadian retailer. Their clothing variety sucks lately. They only carry their own brand and pattaguci. They dropped osprey line of backpacks.

"pattaguci" - thats hilarious, so true. Rich middle-aged dudes love to wear the brand when they rough it on their way to Starbucks. I did see some patagonia jackets at Costco though some months back. Even discounted, still expensive.
MEC makes me laugh every time I go in it. People dress up in their MEC gear like they are going to be heli dropped in the wilderness right after they leave. Or, they come in all their MEC cycle gear and leave in their Subarus with Thule bike racks and NO BIKES in them.

I have to admit I am an Arc'teryx snob but I haven't found anything better as far as outdoor gear goes when I'm actually outdoors. So, +1 for that company and +2 since it's Canadian.

I'm also curious to see this list of yours Macs.
I'm starting a program next year in Environmental Science/Tech and need about 3-4 grand worth of gear. I'd prefer to get most of it in one place. Besides Altitude Sports does anyone know a reputable online dealer? Cheaper is better but I will pay for quality, Canada preferred.

I tried MEC but they charge a premium and I just can't swallow it

You might want to try the Canadian Outdoor Equipment Company. They have some very rugged pack gear and a good selection of warm clothes. They also sell the Fenix flashlight line. There are no bargains to be had but they have been very helpful to me.
While we're on this thread, does anyone here know where I can go in store today or tomorrow that will have self heating MREs in stock.

Have already checked, MEC and le baron, but they all require you to boil water which I won't have the luxury of doing.
While we're on this thread, does anyone here know where I can go in store today or tomorrow that will have self heating MREs in stock.

Have already checked, MEC and le baron, but they all require you to boil water which I won't have the luxury of doing.

Ive never heard of self heating. What are you doing where you cant heat it up?
Ive never heard of self heating. What are you doing where you cant heat it up?

They use these in the military where you put a couple drops of water in a chemical bag and it heats up. Arka army surplus only has 3 whole meals left, which I'm going to pick up today, but that's not enough to last me the weekend.

I'm up in Port Perry doing Specialist Training with ERT-SAR Canada. We'll be on the go during the day which won't allow for burner stoves to heat up water ... I guess worst comes to worst, PB&J or PB & nutella :(
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Found that Tent City has many of the name brands for cheaper then the other listed stores.
They use these in the military where you put a couple drops of water in a chemical bag and it heats up. Arka army surplus only has 3 whole meals left, which I'm going to pick up today, but that's not enough to last me the weekend.

I'm up in Port Perry doing Specialist Training with ERT-SAR Canada. We'll be on the go during the day which won't allow for burner stoves to heat up water ... I guess worst comes to worst, PB&J or PB & nutella :(

I LOVE most MREs. Cliff bars fill me up good, I dunno if they're what you're after though
I'm also curious to see this list of yours Macs.

From the school, all mandatory (I dunno if I'm allowed to post the stuff from my co-op, I signed a NDA):

I have quite a bit of it already, but it can't hurt to buy new

Safety Equipment:
Hardhat with liner(CSA approved /not white)
□ Safety boots (CSA approved above ankle)
□ Safety or cruising vest (Bright / reflective)
□ Safety glasses (CSA approved, non tinted)
□ Work gloves (full finger, leather palm)
□ Compass
□ Fox 40, fluorescent orange whistle
□ Knife (fixed or locking blade)
□ Flashlight or headlamp (spare batteries)
□ Lighter / waterproof matches
□ Strong cord or string
□ Water bottle(s) (2 litres total)
□ Sunscreen / lip protection with SPF
□ Prescription medicine if required
□ Watch with alarm (not cell phone)

Field Camp:
□ Large back pack (Roughly 70 Litres +)
□ Sleeping bag (Rated to -10 to -20 Celsius)
□ Sleeping pad
□ Tent (Minimum 2 person)
□ Towel (small camp type)
□ Personal toiletries / hygiene products
□ Unbreakable cup
□ Chest Waders (non-Neoprene)

Personal Equipment:
□ Socks (several pair, wool or 2 part system)
□ Synthetic / wool base layer top
□ Synthetic / wool base layer bottoms
□ Synthetic / wool mid layer top(s)
□ Windproof / waterproof jacket and pants
□ Hiking footwear and Sandals
□ Hat for warmth (toque)
□ Hat for sun with brim
□ Winter gloves and mitts
□ Sunglasses
□ Insulated winter boots
□ Snowshoes (GV recommended)
□ Day pack

First Aid Kit (minimum):
□ Emergency survival blanket
□ 3 Antihistamine tablets
□ 6 Anti-inflammatory tablets
□ 6 Skin closures (“Band Aids”)
□ 1 Tensor bandage / Ace bandage
□ 1 roll of adhesive tape
□ 1 Triangular bandages
□ 1 pressure dressing or sanitary pad
□ Sunscreen / lip protection with SPF
□ Prescription medicine if required

□ Bug jacket (for black flies and mosquitoes)
□ Rubber boots (CSA approved)
□ Mosquito repellent
□ Dry bags and stuff sacks for gear
□ Camera
□ Compression sacks for packing
□ Camp chair
□ Musical instruments / Cards
□ Candle lantern
□ Multi tool
□ Ear plugs
□ Mole skin / Silicon Based Barrier Cream
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That's a pretty straight forward list. Not as limiting as I thought at first.

I have everything on it so if you you want suggestions on any of those items I don't mind sharing what I have and how well it's worked for me in the field.
I LOVE most MREs. Cliff bars fill me up good, I dunno if they're what you're after though

Yea they're actually not as bad as people make it out to be. I guess it depends on which ones you get.

I called Royal Distributing, they have a couple in stock for me :D But want some real food over the weekend ... I'm scared about either non frequent or frequent washroom visitations ....
That's a pretty straight forward list. Not as limiting as I thought at first.

I have everything on it so if you you want suggestions on any of those items I don't mind sharing what I have and how well it's worked for me in the field.

Thanks man, I might PM you about some of it, or just post here. I already own the essentials cause I bow hunt and fish quite a bit, but my stuff is Crappy Tire/Wal-Mart brand camping stuff. Like Coleman. My good stuff came from Bass Pro but it was pricier than what I feel is fair

Yea they're actually not as bad as people make it out to be. I guess it depends on which ones you get.

I called Royal Distributing, they have a couple in stock for me :D But want some real food over the weekend ... I'm scared about either non frequent or frequent washroom visitations ....

I think the meatloaf(?) MRE will keep everything backed up for at least 3 days, lmao
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