One hit woneders


So I was watching cribs and saw the worse one hit wonder ever, Snow, and got me thinking.
What is your favourite one hit wonder.
Mine is Faith no More, epic
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One hit wonder Freur came out with Doot Doot and a vulture drummer.

Then they came back as Underworld and did somewhat better with Born Slippy NUXX, their 15 years and running signature single that never ends and just won't die.
Faith No More wasn't a one-hit wonder. Not by a long shot.





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Worst one hit wonder.......ever

astley had at least two hits. . .
One hit wonder Freur came out with Doot Doot and a vulture drummer.

Then they came back as Underworld and did somewhat better with Born Slippy NUXX, their 15 years and running signature single that never ends and just won't die.

Also not a one-hit wonder. In between, they released one of the best LP's to come out of Britain in the '90s... and there were a lot of good LP's to come out of Britain in the '90s...


The Freur video is hilarious 'tho. I didn't know.

My favorite:

Also not a one-hit wonder. In between, they released one of the best LP's to come out of Britain in the '90s... and there were a lot of good LP's to come out of Britain in the '90s...

The Freur video is hilarious 'tho. I didn't know.

I think Born Slippy and Born Slippy NUXX were the only Underworld songs that managed to get regular mainstream radio airplay on this side of the ocean. Most of the rest may have been hits in the dance clubs but they just didn't have the anthem-like drive that helped Slippy cross the music genre lines into mainstream radio.

If you thought the Doot Doot link above was hilarious, you should see a video of an earlier version of Freur (before Karl Hyde took over lead vocals) doing Doot Doot. Karl Hyde is in this version but only as guitar and backing vocals.
Rancid: melting cali punk with UK mod and clocking in 20 years ahead of those vespa riding hipsters on Queen West. Minus the skinhead racism of the ooooooold Queen West (back when Bathurst was the western limit).

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The kings of denim!

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