Well-known member
Yeah, being limited to 1mbps all your life, I guess you just get used to not being to do anything "cool" hosted at home! Just think of all the cool stuff we can do now!!! CounterStrike Source server is installing right now
Loving the ping times on this TekSavvy DSL as well, every game server I connect to it's uber low!!
-Jamie M.
lmao "all my life"... I started with a 1200 baud modem so when I finally got 1mpbs upload I thought that was l33t.
Let me know the IP of your source server... but you should really install source beta - better community with less cheating (so far). I still play a lot of cs:s I'm embarrassed to admit http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197964454066 (19.2 hours in past 2 weeks, over 1100 hours total)