OMG, Can summer hurry up. My bike is calling.

Low rider

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Well, Tuesday, I waterproofed my convertible top on the summer car, and charged our bikes batteries, in anticipation of an early spring as predicted by Wiarton Willie.

Then, bang. How much snow did we receive.

Just going into the garage and seeing my summer vehicles, is killing me.
I'm sure there are countless stories, from all of you, about just how much you want to be back on the bike riding.

Just Monday morning on the way to work, I was visualising myself on the bike on the way to work, instead of driving my car.
I was thinking about, how easy it would be to get around this moron in front of me doing 89 in the fast lane, refusing to pass the truck on the right.
And then thinking about zooming off into the sunrise. waving bye bye to the jerk in the VW Golf.

How much are you wishing you could be riding right now?????
Move to Mexico if you're so impatient.
I'm dying for a ride. I haven't ridden since I crashed at Trail Tours in early July and grenaded my shoulder! It took until November to rehab it enough to be ready to ride and then in November I grenaded my lower back and I'm just starting to feel okay now. It's not 100% but I could ride now, I'm sure. The biggest problem I have is I still have huge piles of snow along the boulevard and the yard is still fully covered in snow and my bike is buried behind all of my lawn furniture etc in the garage! Even when the snow is gone I still need a few days to get everything out of the way of the bike and then reorganize the garage for summer use. Then I have to hope for a good couple of rains as I don't want to have to pull the plastics of my ST to wash the road salt off it! If I'm being honest with myself I probably won't get out until the 2nd week of April.
I'm dying for a ride. I haven't ridden since I crashed at Trail Tours in early July and grenaded my shoulder! It took until November to rehab it enough to be ready to ride and then in November I grenaded my lower back and I'm just starting to feel okay now. It's not 100% but I could ride now, I'm sure. The biggest problem I have is I still have huge piles of snow along the boulevard and the yard is still fully covered in snow and my bike is buried behind all of my lawn furniture etc in the garage! Even when the snow is gone I still need a few days to get everything out of the way of the bike and then reorganize the garage for summer use. Then I have to hope for a good couple of rains as I don't want to have to pull the plastics of my ST to wash the road salt off it! If I'm being honest with myself I probably won't get out until the 2nd week of April.
I think it's high time that you stopped playing with grenades!

I'll definitely be out mid-April. Before that is iffy as there's a lot more snow here than in Toronto, and the winter lasts a little longer.
Sunday looks good. Have to get to Sodus Point NY on Sunday, if all goes well Ill circle Lake Ontario.
Thanks a bunch. It's snowing now!
Sunday looks good. Have to get to Sodus Point NY on Sunday, if all goes well Ill circle Lake Ontario.
Circle Lake Ontario in sketchy weather on March 8th????
Have fun.
Been out on a couple sundays so far. Blessed weather those days for sure. I feel bad for people who have to store away from home and can't easily access their rides on a nice day. Good friends of mine store in October and can't get back out until like May. Pitty.
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