so laws should be based on what you can bet they might do in the future?
i don't like homosexuality.. i am a staunch opponent of it.. am i a war criminal? i have done no harm to any homosexuals.. same goes for omar khadr... i am more than vocal on my views of western hypocrisy.. how western actions are not making the world a safer place..... freedom of speech is a constitutional right of everyone in canada... you can agree or disagree with me. it won't and shouldn't make us war criminals.. if you want peoples opinions to be oppressed if they don't fall in line with yours then; ironical, you need to go join and lead the Taliban.. every one listens to their leaders.. you can make everyone listen to you all day.
You can have all the free speech you want I agree., that they say and what you seem to think could be construed as hate speech .What you shouldn't be able to do is immigrate to a place , Insult it and then take handouts from it.
doesnt make them a war criminal but it makes them a piece of garbage that should be deported