oil change

Seriously people RTFM. It tells you that the change is based on the distance and AGE of the oil, consult your manual. It will tell you how often you have to change your filter too. I wonder why?
Another thing. My previous bmw car recommend changing oil at 20k kms. Yes 20k! Where does that fit in the schedule? Those German engineers must have gone full retard
I change my oil more than some people change their underwear. I am the reason for the oil shortage. I sometimes change my oil because I don't like the way it tastes. I've changed my oil filter because it was scratched. I'll change my oil whenever I feel like it, every 1000km, race weekend, 3 rides, or when it rains, which ever comes first.
I change my oil more than some people change their underwear. I am the reason for the oil shortage. I sometimes change my oil because I don't like the way it tastes. I've changed my oil filter because it was scratched. I'll change my oil whenever I feel like it, every 1000km, race weekend, 3 rides, or when it rains, which ever comes first.
Maybe that's why you keep blowing engines

Maybe that's why you keep blowing engines


.......ya ya, that 1000 motor was cursed, fast but cursed. The 600 didn't blow up either it just needed some tlc! This is why I'm starting with a new bike, it's fresh and I can change the oil every other day to keep it that way.
I love when people make conclusions when there are no solid basis. They go as far as doubting the Engineers of large corporations who were paid millions to do R & D

Sent from my tablet using my paws

You are so right. Endless discussions at Timmies from the hard core ride to the coffee shop and that`s it.
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