Im a late night rider, i usually ride in summer after 2am till 4 am, you'd be surprised, how many people i've caught trying to steal neighbours things from their pick ups, theives walking around etc.
My point is these thieves and criminals come out around 2am and work till 5am.
following this theory, i caught 4 black guys in a beige 1998 altima in brampton, and video taped it from a building, and called the cops on them as they tried to get into my mothers brand new car at the time. 5 undmarked cars came, and 3 blocked the car down the ramp one went right up to the guy, 5 cops jumped out took him down, the rest got caught down the ramp 300 feet away.
Two things came from this, one...unless you do the foot work nothing is going to happen, cops are just there to give speeding tickets, and for everything else the citizens has to feed them all the work, and once they have all the evidence proof and all the hard work YOU do, then they take the credit and go catch the people.
In my case the cops got promoted and probably higher pays and boosted ego, when infact i did all the thinking, staying up late at night, with cameras, planning etc and over one week finally got the people.
There is one other thing i leanred, theives are stupid, once they successfully take something big/substantial the high of doing that gets them, they will most likely come back AGIAN to subconciously see if they can get away with it again, and once they do they think they will again....If i were you i'd set them up, get with few friends and bait them, thats what i did and the 4-5 theives all got caught, they came back. Do it in the same place, same time, same day. Sit and watch from a second location's not easy, but if you are that ****** about your loss you can catch them.
They drive around looking for easy, big targets.
Good Luck!!! i hope God gives you twice the toys back for what toys you lost!