Offering to take new riders down lakeshore to Hamilton. Scenic, easy, relaxing ride.

If you have a bunch of newbies and you take them on snake road you better explain to them to take it easy on that turn with the dented armco. I think it's a decreasing radius off camber turn.
If you have a bunch of newbies and you take them on snake road you better explain to them to take it easy on that turn with the dented armco. I think it's a decreasing radius off camber turn.

Stop assuming , been riding since I'm 15, I'm close to 40 now.
Stop assuming , been riding since I'm 15, I'm close to 40 now.

My intention was not to give offence. Not assuming anything about the experienced riders.

The OP is inviting newbies...a group of newbies with experienced riders is always a dicey proposition. Have fun.
My intention was not to give offence. Not assuming anything about the experienced riders.

The OP is inviting newbies...a group of newbies with experienced riders is always a dicey proposition. Have fun.
It was a good comment, Turn 3 is a decreasing radius and has taken many riders down.

The problem with trying to help is people get offended for some reason.
Stop assuming , been riding since I'm 15, I'm close to 40 now.

Thread title is : Offering to take NEW riders down lakeshore to Hamilton. Scenic, easy, relaxing ride.

They guy you're telling to "stop assuming" said "IF you have a bunch of newbies"

Take it easy there.
Stop assuming , been riding since I'm 15, I'm close to 40 now.

I'm past 40, does that make me better or something? The poster before was warning of the decreasing radius turn on Snake road. Its collected many a rider over the years.

Anyway, would be good for the noobs to be aware of group riding etiquette...
A good opportunity, one that I'll have to miss as I am not 'there' yet. But I wish everyone who participates a fun safe ride....
I'm past 40, does that make me better or something? The poster before was warning of the decreasing radius turn on Snake road. Its collected many a rider over the years.

Anyway, would be good for the noobs to be aware of group riding etiquette...
If you been riding like an idiot , you will always remain idiot

Sent from my Robin using Tapatalk
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If you been riding like an idiot , you will always remain idiot

Sent from my Robin using Tapatalk
Not sure why you're commenting on my riding?

How about adding positive comments rather than having to stoop to trash talk. Not a sign of a mature 40yr old.
If you been riding like an idiot , you will always remain idiot

Sent from my Robin using Tapatalk
If what you mean to say is that if you are riding properly you don't need to worry about the turn in snake road, then you don't know what you are talking about. I would suggest you exit the thread and go slap a monkey.
I was going to make the same comment JoeyB made about Snake Road, but bit my tongue. Many, many riders have been bit by corner 3.

Snake Road westbound corner 3 (guardrail left) is not a problem IF you take the correct (stay to the outside and late-turn-in) line through it. But the dents on that guard rail and scrapes on the pavement are evidence of what happens if you get it wrong. It's tempting to turn in too early and then you are skreeewwed when the turn tightens up. If you are going to take new or unknown riders through there, give people the heads-up, go slow, and lead by example.

The other choice is, if you are going to include Snake Road in the route, go eastbound rather than westbound. That way the tight corners are uphill, and guardrail corner is uphill increasing-radius rather than downhill decreasing-radius.
I would have assumed as the OP is offering to take new riders, if they chose to take a road like snake that they would know to slow down enough to take the group safely around corner 3 and everywhere else. Maybe that is why he has chosen a straight ride.
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