Odd thing about being in a car.

If you're driving along and see a sign "Left lane closed 5 KM" keep it in your mind particularly if you're in the left lane. When you get closer and see the lane shift signs in the distance pick a good space and merge. Once the traffic bunches, up as it will, don't pull out to pass a few cars and cut in at the last minute.

The jam ups occur when a bunch of AH's race to the end of the closed lane (Or acceleration lane) and try to force their way in. Spacing cars is the solution. That has been proven at the QEW and Hurontario ramps with metering lights. MERGING not CRAMMING.
That i'll totally agree is a total ****** move which, sometimes, won't even get you ahead by that much.
Zipper the only way to go. It works elsewhere, like roundabouts, no reason why Ontario should be different.
If you're driving along and see a sign "Left lane closed 5 KM" keep it in your mind particularly if you're in the left lane. When you get closer and see the lane shift signs in the distance pick a good space and merge. Once the traffic bunches, up as it will, don't pull out to pass a few cars and cut in at the last minute.

The jam ups occur when a bunch of AH's race to the end of the closed lane (Or acceleration lane) and try to force their way in. Spacing cars is the solution. That has been proven at the QEW and Hurontario ramps with metering lights. MERGING not CRAMMING.

Few things in day to day driving royally piss me off, but the one common thing is people who seem to think 'me first' when lanes or ending or they have to get over. I swear if we could eliminate this somehow probably 50% of traffic jams would be reduced or gone. Every now and then you'll also see the super special snowflake who uses the shoulder...almost as if they think no one else had thought of doing that...but stopped themselves because they aren't an *******.

Regarding those who either pull out of traffic to gain 2-3 positions in the line, or wait until they are essentially on the shoulder to merge...I want to punch them. All they do is make the situation worse, compared to just waiting like everyone else, or if they are one that has to merge, actually doing so if there was space to do so. I can't count the number of times I'm in traffic, see someone who needs to merge, so when things start moving I'll give them space, but they refuse to take it, because they 'might' be able to squeeze in 4-5 cars ahead of me. Those I will actually actively block, because I gave you room and you refused to take it. Sort of like someone asking for money, you offering $10, but them turning you away for a potential $50...then coming back expecting $10 after they told you go to hell. The worst is construction zones as well...since you'll see people ignore the signs for 2 or more kilometres, only to attempt to merge in when they are 10 metres from the first pylon.

As for the zipper method, I can see it working, and personally I try to give space for at least 1 vehicle to fit, if need be required. I won't touch my brakes to do this, but as I see the ending lane coming up, I'll adjust space accordingly, or if possible I'll change lanes to one that should be affected by the merger.
Actually the optimum way to move the most cars is use all of the space - all the way to when the lane ends.

However, cutting into the empty lane from another lane just to move ahead afew cars is indeed an ******* thing to do. Even more ******* than this though is intentionally blocking people that are in the ending lane from merging, if you do this you are the one creating extra traffic, since again the ideal way to move the most cars the quickest is to use the lane until it ends.

This is a common misconception that people can't seem to let go of, that you need to 'merge as soon as possible', this is not true. This and also the idea that if other lanes slow down you are entitled to have your lane continue moving at normal speed while people in lanes near the slowed down lane sit still with blinkers on trying to escape the jam.

This page does a good job of explaining:

I'm all for zippering, the reason it doesn't work is because people don't leave enough room between the car in front of them and block people who are trying to merge.
I'm all for zippering, the reason it doesn't work is because people don't leave enough room between the car in front of them and block people who are trying to merge.

It always works for me, if people won't let you in, bully them out of the way, and if people are merging - just let them in.

The former I would only do in a car though, haha, we won't be bullying anyone on our bikes
Actually the optimum way to move the most cars is use all of the space - all the way to when the lane ends.

However, cutting into the empty lane from another lane just to move ahead afew cars is indeed an ******* thing to do. Even more ******* than this though is intentionally blocking people that are in the ending lane from merging, if you do this you are the one creating extra traffic, since again the ideal way to move the most cars the quickest is to use the lane until it ends.

This is a common misconception that people can't seem to let go of, that you need to 'merge as soon as possible', this is not true. This and also the idea that if other lanes slow down you are entitled to have your lane continue moving at normal speed while people in lanes near the slowed down lane sit still with blinkers on trying to escape the jam.

This page does a good job of explaining:


Depends...we don't live in an ideal world...and really the best way is to merge in when there is room to do so without having to reduce your own speed, nor cause the driver that you are merging in front of to reduce or alter speed either. 9 times out of 10 when people go to the end of the lane, it's to stick 1% of their car in the way and hold up everyone behind until there is more room ahead.

Granted, if everything is at a standstill then fine....but it still irks me when someone goes to the very end and stops when they could have merged into a spot big enough for 4 cars either at the start of or half way down the merge lane, while doing either the speed limit or traffic flow speed.
If they go to the end of the merge lane and stop cause they can't get in, I get in behind them and pass em as they are still sitting there at the end of the merge lane. Had idiots honk at me for passing them by merging when there's room that they bypassed to get to the end of the merge lane.. lol

Course, with a bike you can get to the end of the merge lane and there's always room to get in. :)
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It always works for me, if people won't let you in, bully them out of the way, and if people are merging - just let them in.

The former I would only do in a car though, haha, we won't be bullying anyone on our bikes
I'm no stranger to bullying people out of the way. and of course, since I'm a proponent of zipper merging, I always leave enough room to let the merger to so successfully and smoothly.
It's happened to all of us. We're stuck in traffic because of construction ahead narrowing to one lane from two. We're in the appropriate lane but looking in our rear view mirror we see cars pulling out of the proper lane, advancing 20 or 30 spots and merging back in.

Can you do that at a theatre line up?

Can you do that at the supermarket?

Lowes, Home Depot, Walmart?

What makes people think it's OK in a car? Sorry, did I type "think"

This happens all the time on the QEW during my commute(s)... drives me a little nuts. Is the 20 meters that important? or 2 seconds saved? 4 or 5 times a week I watch someone pull from the right most lane onto the on-ramp (which is ending), then continue at speed across the "bull nose" (not a lane) and onto the next on-ramp. Not sure how many tickets could be written every week, but I am pretty sure it will cover the traffic enforcer's salary.

Funny thing is, I usually end up catching up to the same idiots as they are exiting the highway... sigh.
Just providing a different perspective with some factual research, there are many studies on this, have a read and enlighten yourself.

I am suggesting we use the whole road available, share the merge, make room for each other and traffic jams will be reduced. This line stuff is for theme parks not roads.

People are forced to bud when others think they have a place in line and won't give it up. It takes both sides to adjust their behaviour.

It is O.K. And the proper use of the available roadway. We have to stop looking at this in this way. What we should be doing is sharing better so we can all get out of the traffic congestion.


There are a few other sites and articles on this. You can search "late merging" and read a few. Interesting stuff.

That is fine if you don't agree, studies show it works. What doesn't work is people who think this is a line. The most important statement is that we need to share the road. Blocking is not sharing and just causes people to get angry. Lining up for a exit in a single lane 2Kms down the road is just silly when you have a second free lane beside you.

Ahhhhhh @superseven YES!!!! I've been saying this for a long time now; zipper merging is THE way to go, but people have their heads too far up their ***** to ever truly *get it*. I can understand the tendency to remain in the through lane at all times when people aren't familiar with the roadways in certain areas, but commuters have no excuse seeing as how they're driving the same roads everyday, and know which lanes are ending where.

If we're all lining up along every lane, why add lanes to accommodate volume increases on our roadways?! Maybe the 401 should be a two-lane highway....

It takes a lot more patience for sure, but I've now taken a stance that *anyone* in front of me that has their turn signal on, gets let in (as long as their speed isn't too drastically different from mine).
Might be a repost, but applies to this thread I think.

.... *anyone* in front of me that has their turn signal on, gets let in (as long as their speed isn't too drastically different from mine).

That's the way it's supposed to be.....given that just having your signal on is not the same as being allowed in. Some think that cause they signal it's an automatic in and not if they are given the choice.
It takes a lot more patience for sure, but I've now taken a stance that *anyone* in front of me that has their turn signal on, gets let in (as long as their speed isn't too drastically different from mine).
No kidding! That's what signls are there for, yet too many times I see people closing the gap as soon as they see someone signalling to merge in front of them. Why?!
It's an indicator not an askicator - if my signal is on it means I am merging in - no amount of pouting or trying to speed up will prevent it from happening.
That said, my driving philosophy is "don't make other people hit the brakes or swerve through normal actions" so generally I don't have problems.

It's hilarious to me how much road rage you can create without ever actually inconveniencing people - filter on the right at stop lights and gone in 2 seconds not in anyone's way? Once in awhile someone will flip out over it anyway. Overtaking people in 2-lane roadabouts and gone ? Some douchey pickup truck pussy will be trying to race you on the exit.

I don't even get angry or shocked anymore, people are more than willing to take their day out on others when they feel invincible inside a 3000 lb steel box.
It actually doesn't.

But it does.

Each one of those cars have left a car length of room in front of them. The moment another car merges into that space the vehicle behind it slows down and creates a chain reaction behind it causing a back up shown in the video. This is exactly what happens with zippering.
But it does.

Each one of those cars have left a car length of room in front of them. The moment another car merges into that space the vehicle behind it slows down and creates a chain reaction behind it causing a back up shown in the video. This is exactly what happens with zippering.

I disagree with that observation. If done correctly you could almost double the cars with zippering. What happened was someone sped up and then braked. If zippering people could merge in with just a minor speed adjustment.

I think we have gone over this a lot. Make room for others without aggressive braking, etc and all should work out for ya and for basic traffic flow.

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