octane mixing? | Page 2 | GTAMotorcycle.com

octane mixing?

My dad owns a gas station and between the ages of 7 and 12, I worked as (one of) the pump person every summer. I love the smell of 97+ octane but cant stand the **** if under 91. I buy Petro-Canada's Ultra 94, just so I don't poison myself or my passenger with stinking 87 octane at every red light chill. But then the company I work for always pays for gas :cool:

Any octane gas is a neurotoxin....not a good idea to sniff it no matter how nice it seems.
My dad owns a gas station and between the ages of 7 and 12, I worked as (one of) the pump person every summer. I love the smell of 97+ octane but cant stand the **** if under 91. I buy Petro-Canada's Ultra 94, just so I don't poison myself or my passenger with stinking 87 octane at every red light chill. But then the company I work for always pays for gas :cool:

I only huff the good stuff as well - keeping it classy.
I had a BMW rental that called for 91 and after complaining about the cost of gas to the rental company, they admitted they never use anything above 87 in it.

Zipcar ask renters to use Premium Gas for the MINI and BMW, and I fill the premium up all the way with a smile on my face since Zipcar pays for it lol So they must be either following the car manual blindly, or they know a thing or two. It's quite a cut on the profit for them when paying for Premium all over the place.

Back in my country, BMW rentals require Premium as well. Strange thing tho, they beg renters not to use anything under 98 octane =)
87 generally works fine in everything. I had a BMW rental that called for 91 and after complaining about the cost of gas to the rental company, they admitted they never use anything above 87 in it. Also, my SAAB calls for 91 and I just use 87 and don't even notice a decrease in power. My bike calls for 87 but does seem to perform better on 91 but that could have something to do with ethanol.

I don't know what BMW u are driving but if I put 87 in mine's, the wh0le system start to bog down. I was in the boonies and I put 87, horrible mistake. The lowest it will go is 89 and the fuel consumption just goes up.

If an engine is designed for it, use it

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