Oakville Author beaten for insulting Islam.

Motorcycle Mike

Well-known member
Yeah yeah, i know.. it's only a minority of Muslims that get Extreme.. right.

(waiting for my beating next..)

Lol. I don't get it...other religions, Catholics, Buddhists etc don't go out and beat people because they have an issue with what someone writes about things or says? At least I haven't heard of anything like that.
Lol. I don't get it...other religions, Catholics, Buddhists etc don't go out and beat people because they have an issue with what someone writes about things or says? At least I haven't heard of anything like that.
Actually, extremists of all religions will go out and seek retribution against those they think to be foes of their religion. The JDL was particularly notorious in the 80's for this and was listed as a domestic terrorist organization in the US. Just this year the a CBC commentator denounced the local chapter of the JDL as a terrorist organization too, though the CBC subsequently retracted that statement and apologized.

Certain fundamentalist Jewish groups in Israel are just as extreme (beatings, bombings, etc) against those they believe to be Christian missionaries as are certain fundamentalist groups in Egypt against those they see as being Christian missionaries in Egypt. Others have published books approved by high-profile government-paid rabbis that argue when it is ok to kill gentiles. Apparently according to these rabbis, it's ok to kill even a gentile baby if that baby might grow up to be a threat to Jews.

Go back and look at IRA vs the Orange Order and the UDA in Northern Ireland. Sure, some of that was due to the politics of self-determination on either side, but the religious component was the driving force behind most of the terrorism and violence there.

The latest terrorist attack in Norway was a Christian nutjob trying to make a statement against Islamic inroads in what should be historically Christian Norway. I guess he forgot Norway's ancient pagan heritage of the Norse.

In particular, Christian groups have been quite willing to use terrorism and violence against what they see as the devil's abortion clinics or other threats against God in the US. Many of the patriot militia groups in the US are very heavily Christian-driven.

Hindus have their terrorist groups, as do Sikhs. In any group large enough, there will be enough nutjobs to gain the notice of the public.

Islam is arguably the fastest growing religion these days while practising Christians are in decline, and that makes them a threat to those who care about the Christina religion. The result is plenty of incentive to view Islam as threat to "our way of life" and to write about Islam as being either a serious threat, or an abomination, or both. The logical follow-on is for the more extreme Muslims to react accordingly. Given that there are a lot of Muslims in the world, it only takes a tiny percentage of that large and growing body to paint the rest as being something they are not.
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Lol. I don't get it...other religions, Catholics, Buddhists etc don't go out and beat people because they have an issue with what someone writes about things or says? At least I haven't heard of anything like that.

No one expects The Spanish Inquisition.

Back to my now redacted original post, that is where my comment to the effect that "Islam needs it's own Reformation, out of the 17th century". A significant minority subscribing to the Muslim faith is significantly backwards, as compared to the other religious counterparts in the modern day.

The violent criminals being a minority, does nothing to help their victims. If one is so strong in their faith, it wouldn't matter what a non-believer has to say about it. Putting fatwas out on people that disagree with your religion, or insult your God, only goes towards proving their point that you, and by association your religion, are Bat-Poop crazy.
Lol. I don't get it...other religions, Catholics, Buddhists etc don't go out and beat people because they have an issue with what someone writes about things or says? At least I haven't heard of anything like that.
Buddhists generally don't, agreed. But Catholics actually have a long history of going after Protestants and vice versa. Not all and certainly not the majority, but then again Islamic violence is also the work of but a tiny segment of that particular religious population.
I've had many muslim friends, but never any extremist friends. Great ppl don't get me wrong.

But what happened to our freedom of speech? In a supposingly free society?
But Catholics actually have a long history of going after Protestants and vice versa.

Yay history lesson,lol. As mentioned above, I have friends from all religions out there, it really dose suck when a few bad apples spoils the bunch and everyone that is apart of that religion is categorized that same. In the recent years there has been a lot of news / coverage of the Islamic religion, I think more for the bad things they retaliate on and keeps reinforcing the negativity about them. Is it right to say, in the last 10-15 years, they are portrayed as the most violent when something is said or done they don't agree with and retaliate.

If one is so strong in their faith, it wouldn't matter what a non-believer has to say about it.

Agreed. Goes for anything really.
I've had many muslim friends, but never any extremist friends. Great ppl don't get me wrong.

But what happened to our freedom of speech? In a supposingly free society?

Well, what they did was illegal and they'll be charged as such. I don't think anyone is saying it's alright..well, maybe some other people who adhere to those extremist religious beliefs. I suspect most Muslims also believe they should be charged and punished.

On the other hand, although I haven't read his book, I suspect it was a poke in the eye of Islam and nobody really likes hate literature. I mean, right-wing Christians shoot abortion doctors...
On the other hand, although I haven't read his book, I suspect it was a poke in the eye of Islam and nobody really likes hate literature. I mean, right-wing Christians shoot abortion doctors...

Well, let's see about that poke... it's a pretty ignorant one, but then again, most of her diatribes against whatever group, religious people, fat people, etc are in a similar vein. I'm waiting for fat people to go after Dipersico next.
Ramadan- The 'Holy' Month (********)

"During the holy month of Ramadan, the muslims are absolutely insane. They try not to lie, they avoid quarrel, they avoid any sort of entertainment, they don't masturbate, they don't drink, they cut back on rape, and also on blowing up places , including themselves. Why?

Because this month is holy ; they are meant to avoid doing the bad. You ****ing idiot, if killing and bombing is "bad" in the holy month, what makes you think it's okay when it's not the ramadan? If lying is bad , then it should be bad all year round. If stealing is bad in ramadan then it should be bad whether it's the ramadan or the christmas season. If molesting twelve year old boys is wrong in ramadan then it should be wrong when this month is over. Right?

Yes, right to all of us who have brain cells and are not ****ing brain washed to the point of being delusional. They don't play music, they don't watch movies, when it's getting close to sunset , the time for them to eat, they watch people in the "holy" city of mecca who are fasting and praying out loud. Like they are not miserable and starving enough that they need to watch more miserable and starving people on the television, as well. That would be like showing cancer patients tapes of other cancer patients getting chemotherapy and vomiting later.

These people are trained in death, terrorizing the world, and how to cause chaos, and they justify their actions with the words from their "holy" book known to the rest of us as the Koran.

To these ignorant people , logic doesn't apply, and someone who questions their religion or their foolish beliefs gets beheaded on HD Camera, and then the video is posted on the internet. In their world, a video clip of some non-muslim getting beheaded is as pleasurable and entertaining as a leaked celebrity sex tape in the normal world."

Book: Wake Up Call
Chapter: God Hates All
Author: Paris Dipersico

Available: Amazon
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SMH @ getting beat up over insulting someone's imaginary friend. When will evolve past believing in these ridiculous imaginary friends.
When will evolve past believing in these ridiculous imaginary friends.

Never. Just like we'll never evolve to be civil and understanding of each others' belief systems... atheists included.
Never. Just like we'll never evolve to be civil and understanding of each others' belief systems... atheists included.

Not when every one of these belief systems says that the other is the enemy.
The latest terrorist attack in Norway was a Christian nutjob trying to make a statement against Islamic inroads in what should be historically Christian Norway. I guess he forgot Norway's ancient pagan heritage of the Norse.

This guy had nothing to do with Christianity .You must be getting your information form CBC .His so called manifesto had nothing to do with Christianity .
Well, let's see about that poke... it's a pretty ignorant one, but then again, most of her diatribes against whatever group, religious people, fat people, etc are in a similar vein. I'm waiting for fat people to go after Dipersico next.

Thanks for the clip. It appears that the author is ignorantly painting all Muslims with the same brush making them all appear as ignorant.

A lot of religious groups have leaders that tell the flock that the scriptures are too complex for the flock to understand so leave the interpretation to the leaders and do what we say, not what we do.

Whether it's the "Help the Poor" bumper sticker on the Cadillac or the guy with seven wives telling the guy with none that he'll get his after the detonation, the cure is enough education for everyone to see the real truth.

However knee jerk reactions sell more newspapers. Hmmmm, what has this done for the book sales?

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