Ramadan- The 'Holy' Month (********)
"During the holy month of Ramadan, the muslims are absolutely insane. They try not to lie, they avoid quarrel, they avoid any sort of entertainment, they don't masturbate, they don't drink, they cut back on rape, and also on blowing up places , including themselves. Why?
Because this month is holy ; they are meant to avoid doing the bad. You ****ing idiot, if killing and bombing is "bad" in the holy month, what makes you think it's okay when it's not the ramadan? If lying is bad , then it should be bad all year round. If stealing is bad in ramadan then it should be bad whether it's the ramadan or the christmas season. If molesting twelve year old boys is wrong in ramadan then it should be wrong when this month is over. Right?
Yes, right to all of us who have brain cells and are not ****ing brain washed to the point of being delusional. They don't play music, they don't watch movies, when it's getting close to sunset , the time for them to eat, they watch people in the "holy" city of mecca who are fasting and praying out loud. Like they are not miserable and starving enough that they need to watch more miserable and starving people on the television, as well. That would be like showing cancer patients tapes of other cancer patients getting chemotherapy and vomiting later.
These people are trained in death, terrorizing the world, and how to cause chaos, and they justify their actions with the words from their "holy" book known to the rest of us as the Koran.
To these ignorant people , logic doesn't apply, and someone who questions their religion or their foolish beliefs gets beheaded on HD Camera, and then the video is posted on the internet. In their world, a video clip of some non-muslim getting beheaded is as pleasurable and entertaining as a leaked celebrity sex tape in the normal world."
Book: Wake Up Call
Chapter: God Hates All
Author: Paris Dipersico
Available: Amazon