Oakville Area

Anyone every ride the road north of the Ford plant? There is a beautiful turn at the end! I scouted it the other day and a sign said something about trespassing and a unmarked security suv was Parked there. They looked at me kind of funny but didn’t say anything! I hit it both directions and very nice! Not sure if the sign is just a deterrent or for the parking lots located there. I think the security person might be for all the new vehicles they have parked in the lots.
If you mean the Oakville Assembly Complex, then its just one scenic sweeper on the service road. Do that a few times and security gets called. Not worth the travel to get there in the first place.
If you mean the Oakville Assembly Complex, then its just one scenic sweeper on the service road. Do that a few times and security gets called. Not worth the travel to get there in the first place.
I live close to there so I was going to add it in with some ramping!
New rider. BE CAREFUL. With group rides it's very tempting to get sucked into doing something that you don't have the experience to handle ... and you might not even know that you don't have the experience.

Burlington No 4 side road is a slow road. It's narrow, there are no lane markings, it has poor sightlines with trees directly up to the side of the road, debris and sand and gravel are not unheard of, and pedestrians and bicyclists are common because it is in a rural-residential area. SLOW.
Definitely can not rip down that road! Very nice twisty though at regular speed!
I'd like to join! Where exactly is the meetup/starting point? 515 dundas seems like a plaza from what google maps is telling me.
That is one nice ride, have done parts of it on my own.
SW Ontario does have decent riding roads ..... if you know where to look.
A "salute" to Shane!
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