I don't mean that it's suspicious. I'm just questioning what kind of person would upload a video of themselves acting like that. I mean, let's take it for granted that she was legitimately scared and freaked out. I am not the kind of person who would yell "RUN! RUN!" unless I were in exceptional circumstances, but unless those circumstances were the kind that made the national news, I wouldn't share the video. I'd be too embarassed with myself.
The copyright notice, however, matches up completely with the kind of personality who would a) react like that, and b) lack the self-awareness to upload it to the internet. If you're uploading a video to youtube, you've already signed an agreement as to the copyright status of what you're uploading.
Yelling run is a good thing where running means something ie Norway shootings. In this case there was no evaluation of the situation. She lives in panic mode.
BTW there are carriage rides in Niagara on the lake so it could happen here.
I feel sorry for the kid. "So that's your B**** mom on Youtube" Cringe.