NYC tourist has a meltdown after horse falls down

I don't mean that it's suspicious. I'm just questioning what kind of person would upload a video of themselves acting like that. I mean, let's take it for granted that she was legitimately scared and freaked out. I am not the kind of person who would yell "RUN! RUN!" unless I were in exceptional circumstances, but unless those circumstances were the kind that made the national news, I wouldn't share the video. I'd be too embarassed with myself.

The copyright notice, however, matches up completely with the kind of personality who would a) react like that, and b) lack the self-awareness to upload it to the internet. If you're uploading a video to youtube, you've already signed an agreement as to the copyright status of what you're uploading.

Yelling run is a good thing where running means something ie Norway shootings. In this case there was no evaluation of the situation. She lives in panic mode.

BTW there are carriage rides in Niagara on the lake so it could happen here.

I feel sorry for the kid. "So that's your B**** mom on Youtube" Cringe.
ROFLMFAO! I can't make any comments on the video now. I wanted to point out to the people that keep saying she's Canadian that she's from Baldwinsville, NY. When I tried to post it, I received a message I'd been banned by her... Guess she didn't like what I had to say :lmao:

I work with, ride and train horses. In this video, the horse was spooked by something and when a horse is spooked, many know that it is their instinct to flee. They will back up into farmiliar territory away from what is unfarmiliar. This woman began freaking out as soon as the horse started backing up. Because of the carriage, the horse could not turn around as normal and obviously tripped over the curb as it tried to turn around. The horse was on the ground and a person tried to pull it up whichwas good because if horses go down unintentionally, they can crush vital organs with their own immense weight.

The horse being put back to work was fine. The horse was not favoring any of its legs, it was even using different feet to kick flies away from its stomache so the horse was not sore or in any foot or leg pain. The horse also looked relaxed and comfortable, telling me that it was not in any discomfort of any sort and not even worried about what was so scary before the fall.

Because of people like this woman, many animals are assumed to be in distress when they really aren't just because of lack of knowledge one way or another. There are of course the cases where people may just be concerned and for good reason. As for this woman, even though she DID OVERREACT GREATLY, she probably had no knowledge on horses in the least. She probably only knew that "horses always sleep standing up" and "never lie down" which are both completely false thoughts. I only thank her for ONE thing and that is that she was concerned for the well being of the animal and cared enough to fight for it even though there was nothing to fight about. Atleast some people care, even if its without proper knowledge.

I hope this helps with the lack of horse knowledge. I'd be more than happy to answer and further questions:)
I only thank her for ONE thing and that is that she was concerned for the well being of the animal and cared enough to fight for it even though there was nothing to fight about. Atleast some people care, even if its without proper knowledge.

I hope this helps with the lack of horse knowledge. I'd be more than happy to answer and further questions:)

Personally, I never even bothered to address her lack of understanding (I worked with horses as well at a reputable stable and used to ride and jump) in any posts to concern is for her complete hysterics and how she affects her family. Frankly, I don't think she had any real concern for the horse at all, she freaked out and never once showed any concern for the horse, even when others were approaching it to see if everything was okay. Then, in the second video and all her interviews since, she just goes on about how traumatizing it was for HER. Not her family....and she's never mentioned the horse since.
Personally, I never even bothered to address her lack of understanding (I worked with horses as well at a reputable stable and used to ride and jump) in any posts to concern is for her complete hysterics and how she affects her family. Frankly, I don't think she had any real concern for the horse at all, she freaked out and never once showed any concern for the horse, even when others were approaching it to see if everything was okay. Then, in the second video and all her interviews since, she just goes on about how traumatizing it was for HER. Not her family....and she's never mentioned the horse since.

Good points
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