Dude, you are coming across as creepy.
Get outside, go talk to some real women instead of perving them on tv.
Sweet...I'm creepy too!
Dude, you are coming across as creepy.
Get outside, go talk to some real women instead of perving them on tv.
This is hilarious coming from the creepiest of them all. :lmao:
What's really creepy is that photo in your avatar makes you look like a street walker.:lmao:
uhm go back to the other thread and sharpen your skills little girl. They have more lumps to give you.
Oh that explains the stalking. "Gee I wonder what her problem is all the Hooker's I go after are usually so receptive." You telling someone to sharpen their skills is almost as ironic as you calling someone else creepy. lol!
focus, focUS, foCUS,fOCUS, FOCUS
Hey, it's okay if you go after hookers. I am not judging you.
As if…