Nuclear fusion

I'm pretty sure "those people" will say giant pancake of fire...
We have been here before, just to find out the numbers were fudged. I will wait a few years before I get too excited and predict the pancake of fire, sorry I mean "ball".....
I too remember when we all thought some guy achieved cold fussion a few decades back.
I'll wait too.
Still decades away unfortunately.
Just long enough to hopefully educate the younger generation that it isn't bad so we can actually get them installed without the bad public perception.
Hope I (and the planet) live long enough to see this
Curious if in the days researching fission if they were as optimistic about it being safe. If it doesn't exist yet how can anyone say that it is safer, cleaner, endless power. Obviously the researchers aren't going to promote the possibility of the technology causing it's version of a meltdown or a bomb. "Endless energy" is going to get more funding then "blow-up planet"

Generally as energy density improves the size of an oops goes up. (Rocket fuel>gasoline, Lithium Batteries>lead acid, nuclear>coal) Clearly I don't want to do away lithium batteries, rocket fuel or nuclear power but they should be upfront about the risks.

It sounds like the reaction gives off helium. Once the atmosphere fills with helium, do we really want to live in a world with everyone talking like chipmunks?
Curious if in the days researching fission if they were as optimistic about it being safe. If it doesn't exist yet how can anyone say that it is safer, cleaner, endless power. Obviously the researchers aren't going to promote the possibility of the technology causing it's version of a meltdown or a bomb. "Endless energy" is going to get more funding then "blow-up planet"

Generally as energy density improves the size of an oops goes up. (Rocket fuel>gasoline, Lithium Batteries>lead acid, nuclear>coal) Clearly I don't want to do away lithium batteries, rocket fuel or nuclear power but they should be upfront about the risks.

It sounds like the reaction gives off helium. Once the atmosphere fills with helium, do we really want to live in a world with everyone talking like chipmunks?
We usually take things too far before we figure out where too far is.

Just musing about the transfer of energy but what happens when solar energy is taken from one place and transferred to another?

You can transfer energy with a magnifying glass, using a 4" diameter glass to focus all that energy onto a 1/16" beam and burn wood. Similarly all those solar panels in farmland are shipping BTUs to Toronto. But it's just a little bit, not too far.
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