NSFW******Holy Batman (bike crash pics)


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Guy was doing 120MPH and crashed into back of semi. Two words, slow down!





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Re: Holy Batman (bike crash pics)

This is quite old and Snopes identifies it as real. might need a NSFW tag?
Re: Holy Batman (bike crash pics)

Unbelievable, 120mph and into the back of a semi and his hat is still sitting in place.

Jokes aside thats a horrible wreck, however this has been posted a million times by now

BTW whats with these links to amazon whenever you type batman on this site?
Re: Holy Batman (bike crash pics)

BTW whats with these links to amazon whenever you type batman on this site?

Don't know but I clicked on one and found a great deal on Batman: Arkham city.
Re: Holy Batman (bike crash pics)

Unbelievable, 120mph and into the back of a semi and his hat is still sitting in place.

Jokes aside thats a horrible wreck, however this has been posted a million times by now

BTW whats with these links to amazon whenever you type batman on this site?

Key word add revenue also works with ebay

//apparently only sometimes works
Re: Holy Batman (bike crash pics)

omg! did he make it???

I really thought it was a fake...untill I saw the side view

edit...nvm I read the article...horrific!
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Re: Holy Batman (bike crash pics)

Why the **** would you post pictures of some ****ing dead rider on the forum?
Re: Holy Batman (bike crash pics)

Why the **** would you post pictures of some ****ing dead rider on the forum?

dude this ****'s been posted for years...this is my 6th season now, I seen it since I was a noob.

its a riding forum and people die doing this ****, wtf you think it is all fun and games? At the end of the day this is the reality that riding like a moron can lead to, if its too much for people to look at they need to reconsider the **** that they're doing.

Who knows if the article is ******** or not, but the dad saying things like clubs that serve no alcohol, we gotta protect these kids blah blah blah. Yea, I understand your son died, I've seen my brothers dead laying dead right there, but a 26 year old isn't a ****ing kid. That's a grown man, if you're going to do dumbshit like that these are the results you get.
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Re: Holy Batman (bike crash pics)

Well obviously, this is a tragedy, but his "friend" didn't learn from it. If you read the snopes, his friend was killed 5 days later also doing in excess of 120 MPH.

I understand the dad wanting to do "something" but realisitically he talks of taking away peoples licence and their bikes for excessive speeds. So tell us WHO is going to pull over a sport bike doing 120 MPH+

Firstly as has has been shown in the recent thread of why people run, this is exactly what would make most run. A 25 year old is going to think.. ok if I stop I am going to lose my bike. If I run I MIGHT get away or I might crash and die..split second later he is WOT.

If the police do chase and the bike crashes people will be yelling for the coppers head on a platter.

As harsh as it sounds crap like this has been happening since people started to ride bikes and will always happen. Fortunately, most young people don't crash and get older, and mature, and ride responsibly
Re: Holy Batman (bike crash pics)

dude this ****'s been posted for years...this is my 6th season now, I seen it since I was a noob.

its a riding forum and people die doing this ****, wtf you think it is all fun and games? At the end of the day this is the reality that riding like a moron can lead to, if its too much for people to look at they need to reconsider the **** that they're doing.

Who knows if the article is ******** or not, but the dad saying things like clubs that serve no alcohol, we gotta protect these kids blah blah blah. Yea, I understand your son died, I've seen my brothers dead laying dead right there, but a 26 year old isn't a ****ing kid. That's a grown man, if you're going to do dumbshit like that these are the results you get.

Can't swear on the forum but we can all post dead people. Super cool. As you said it as well, it's been posted for years, so what is the point of posting this **** again
Re: Holy Batman (bike crash pics)

As harsh as it sounds crap like this has been happening since people started to ride bikes and will always happen. Fortunately, most young people don't crash and get older, and mature, and ride responsibly

I'll be 25 in less than 6 months...I'm still waiting for the 'ride responsibly' to kick in. To be honest, I think when I get my SS I will ride more sedately knowing I have so much power to exploit, on the 250 it feels like unless you're WOT you're not getting anywhere...
Re: Holy Batman (bike crash pics)

I'll be 25 in less than 6 months...I'm still waiting for the 'ride responsibly' to kick in. To be honest, I think when I get my SS I will ride more sedately knowing I have so much power to exploit, on the 250 it feels like unless you're WOT you're not getting anywhere...

Averagely speaking the Risk reward portion of your brain wont fully be developed for another 2 years. Of course in some people it does not.
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