The bonus to this strategy is there's no marketing royalty payments. All the bikes look the same so you don't owe the money to anybody! Think of the savings!

Besides...chicks look way seksier on cruisers. ;) I'm talking about you Zippy.

I'm going to tell Robyn you said she's ugly.
To late you can't take it back now. She doesn't like you even more now.

To be fair, most people have that opinion from the beginning. She was in the minority from the get go. here's an interesting idea...why don't we do a Girls of WROAR/GTAM calender and proceeds go to WROAR?!

I'd buy one... I deal with heavy truck mechanical shops, if its the slight bit seductive, I could get each shop to buy one too! A shop is not a shop with out a girl calendar LOL
I'd buy one... I deal with heavy truck mechanical shops, if its the slight bit seductive, I could get each shop to buy one too! A shop is not a shop with out a girl calendar LOL

this is true. There are a couple bike pictures in the shop at my work that have barely dressed chicks. If you ask the guys what the bike is they typically say "what bike" :P
sounds interesting. I would like to see this. I have a few friends in the busness ( actors, extras and stunts ). I hope you had some kind of insurance rider for the girl unless it was really simple drive by stuff. As this rates at least as special skills if not stunt. I dont even know if you were paying her or giving her and credits.

Dont worry Im not in the biz but know how defencive my friends are about scale and credits.
To those who posted looking for rider. Not being riders yourselves, I guess you don't understand that one can't ride a motorcycle on snow and ice covered roads. Or how cold it is to ride out when it's 5 with strong winds coming from the north with no sun to warm you up a little.

Or maybe it's a little difficult to try to film something like you want to do at the end of November.......jes sayin'....
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