
Hey guys,

I'm a local independent film producer and we're working on shooting a trailer for a feature film that we plan on shooting next year. In summer we enlisted the help of some other local riders and they were great! Right now, our lead character is a girl who rides a bike...but our actress, unfortunately cannot.

So, I reach out to you guys for some help - it would only take a couple hours of your time on Friday morning. Our actress is 5'2, 120-135lbs (rider doesn't have to be exact, but just a point of reference to the size we're looking for).

If we can't get a female rider to come out, we can switch the scene we're shooting and have a guy come out...but we're really hoping to wrap up the female rider scene.

I understand its late in the season, but would really appreciate it guys!

A link to our last movie's trailer (so you know we're legit):

You can email me at kegan at renditionfilms dot com or post in the thread (I'll be regularly checking it).
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Lots of options...heh. Definitely not cruiser. Sport bike for sure and custom has me intrigued.

Thanks for the quick replies girls - I'll be responding to emails later this evening,

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oh darn 5'3 and 115lbs....cant make it
Ha! That sounds super close - have you girls sent me an email yet? I'll be going through the photos/bikes with the director and we'll choose one within the next day or so.

I'm interested in the title of the film and expected release date? Filming all being done in TO/Ontario?

If so I'd watch it for sure!
Haha...working title is The Incredible, but its subject to change (especially since its so close to The Incredibles). We'll be holding a small screening for the movie I linked to in the first post later this month/early next month, if anyone would like to come and check that out!


Haha...working title is The Incredible, but its subject to change (especially since its so close to The Incredibles). We'll be holding a small screening for the movie I linked to in the first post later this month/early next month, if anyone would like to come and check that out!



Definitely let us know the details of the screening! WOuld be great to watch and also meet a bunch of GTAM members!
Plenty of women on this board who can ride very well.
I hope you have a lot of submissions to choose from.
Well nuts :( Sounds fun and I've worked on film sets before (so I know what to expect) but I'm just shy 6ft...sorry. I'll let Goldie know about this, she sounds about right.
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