Not worth getting dirt bikes in Ontario.

I came here wondering if this is a good deal.. and now I am not sure if it is worth it to ride a dirt bike

this guy really takes care of his stuff and doesn't really use it... so.. seriously,, anyone think this bike would be a good price,, work well on the road / off road/ very little single track apparently as there isn't any near me that I know of
I've had this opinion since I was a teenager. Always wanted a dirtbike growing up but had no idea where you would ride one. Then I found out most other kids in that area just ride them illegally on private property, on public roads, etc and just don't get caught/run from the cops.

I've been playing with the idea of getting a blue plated KTM 200 EXC but that is mostly to have a bike I don't care about falling over on as I'm presuming a dirtbike would be more durable and survive a couple of minor drops better than my Aprilia.
I rode the ganny Sunday, owning a dirt bike is worth every penny if you make the effort to enjoy it. It's cheaper than me seeing a shrink.
What an interesting thread. As I see it if you think an hour or two of trailering or riding the slab is to much to ride then the sport is not for you, go buy a scooter and try the MAD BAS_ARD rides, you can even dress up for them. Couple weekends ago I participated in the roaming rally, 3 days of riding from campsite to campsite in the Ottawa area. Calabogie, Barry's Bay, Bancroft. We did 885 km's over the 3 days in mostly trails with some dirt roads and a bit of slab. This was an adventure ride so there was nothing ridiculously difficult but there were several DEEP water crossings. People were there from as far away as Pennsylvania to ride this event. Point is if you're not sure research to find riding places and if you're still not sure find a different hobby it takes a bit of effort to find places to ride. With a blue plated bike you can ride from just north of Oshawa as far east as you want to go with only short stretches on roads to connect trails.
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