we can meet at pmall for 10 or so, then head up to go for tea and meet rideitlikeyoustoleit for 11?
\LOL how did a North York meet turn into a Scarborough/Markham meet? I would be weary of pmall drivers. I saw someone drive right into the side of a van once. Would that count as first degree T-bone?
Kawigirl, did u end up going??
ofcourse i got to Apple store and it took longer then normal to see me, but i got out around 915 ( i was sitting next to Elvis Stojko ) got a pic with me also.. headed to Leslie and York mills the Second cup, saw a fewbikes, but they were older dudes
Hey, ya I did end up going... met up with 2 other riders, was nice.. until I dropped my bike from tires slipping on the streetcar tracks downtown...slid a few feet on my right side until I came to a stop... and now gotta get the front and right side fairings touched up n painted... and new front right signal light, new decal...
So it was fun... until I hit the pavement. My first season... first real group ride... my first drop, great. Sould all be fixed by next week. Then I'll be back on the road. *sigh*
Oh noes! :O are you okay? Did the new jacket get it too?Hey, ya I did end up going... met up with 2 other riders, was nice.. until I dropped my bike from tires slipping on the streetcar tracks downtown...slid a few feet on my right side until I came to a stop... and now gotta get the front and right side fairings touched up n painted... and new front right signal light, new decal... So it was fun... until I hit the pavement. My first season... first real group ride... my first drop, great. Sould all be fixed by next week. Then I'll be back on the road. *sigh*
Hey, ya I did end up going... met up with 2 other riders, was nice.. until I dropped my bike from tires slipping on the streetcar tracks downtown...slid a few feet on my right side until I came to a stop... and now gotta get the front and right side fairings touched up n painted... and new front right signal light, new decal...
So it was fun... until I hit the pavement. My first season... first real group ride... my first drop, great. Sould all be fixed by next week. Then I'll be back on the road. *sigh*
^ i like your signature.. we Russians have a similar one
"Dont leave for tommorow, what you can drink today"lol
great meeting you guys today
Oh noes! :O are you okay? Did the new jacket get it too?
When it's fixed we can go for a ride. Get my m2 Tuesday. Mwahahaha!Yaaaa... i'm okay, body kinda still sore from the fall/slide.. but thank GOD i was wearing my new leather jacket with armour and everything... and not a Tshirt with booty shorts.. haha.. The jacket is fine, a bit of road rash on the inside of the right sleeve... but hey, at least it has some character now!... When the repairs are done, hopefully by mid next week.... I'll be riding again, probbbbably not downtown anywhere near streetcar tracks for a while