I'm aiming to get my bike back on the road Easter weekend. Will be up for group rides at that time. I live at Don Mills & Sheppard
I'm aiming to get my bike back on the road Easter weekend. Will be up for group rides at that time. I live at Don Mills & Sheppard
where do you guys meet usually? the old North York meet used to be @BV but we dont meet there any more.
what is BV?
can some one just start organizing something?
Hello! Anyone there? Im at bayview and sheppard.
I'm at Yonge and Finch. Always looking for local guys to ride with
hey guys, im at bayview/cummer. we have a group on whatsapp of about 15? almost 20 now? people. if you wanna ride with us, pm me ur numbers and get whats app! we dont always ride as a large group. most of the time we just ask whos out or who qants to join randomly and ppl are usually down. hope to hear from u soon!
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