North York Bayview Chapters

I don't know about you guys but the roundabout at destiny was the highlight of the night.

Good to see other cruisers as well, Nyx and Nightshadow.

Haha, I love roundabouts. Buddy of mine that lives near me has one by his buildings, and I've been known to do a run or 20 around that one when I'm bored... :P
At last im back to have a gud ride yesterday to all of u bros.i guess saturday shows a gud day,lets hit the road.
It was good meeting you all. See you next time round.:laughing8:
bobby u back? nice nice, been a while since ive ridden with u :D

i will not be riding till mid may dudes... keep it safe til then.

nvm.. i read the first post :D
When do you guys usually meet up at Bayview Village?
FFS someone bring out the sun.. New ride this year
Lol that was me last year... Don't worry they don't go fast
my r1 was stolen today while at work....well I hope you will be enjoyed in your second life....I thank myself for having theft insurance
my r1 was stolen today while at work....well I hope you will be enjoyed in your second life....I thank myself for having theft insurance

In broad daylight? How securely did you lock up or chain the bike? I'm concerned about theft myself, and I'm wondering whether it's worth to invest in some anti-theft systems.
I'm a new rider in the area with a ninja 250. I would love to come out for some rides if you allow new noobs!

I'd recommend you go out on your own for a couple hundred kms, then do group rides. Group rides tend to be faster paced sometimes.
North york I'm meeting other riders bathurst and sheppard at petro Canada 4:15 pm.
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