North York Bayview Chapters

i was caging it home from work when i saw you guys pull out of the chapters at about 7:30 or so.

to the lead guy that pulled a wheelie on sheppard towards bayview: nice, but there was a police car about 300m behind me.

talk about being lucky. so very lucky. lol.
;) haha
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4:30-5pm bc

going for nice twistz then bboyz.
no traffic. peace

4:30-5:00 pm BC. bayview and sheppard chapters. For people in vaughn etc 6:00 king ( king street in king city not downtown ) and bathurst shell gas stati on. Don't worry no traffic we going up 40 min north and then heading back down to bboyz.:)
i got my contour HD cam ftw!!!!
ill be directing the film today " riders gone wild "
[ame=""]YouTube- The Best Stunters Vol.1[/ame]
uploading the video now but no editing ok..
lol i don't know how to use premier video editing illustrator yet, but i'm going to figure it out.
stay tuned :laughing8:
nice ride guys anyways lol its going to take 4hrs to upload 25 minute video wtfffff :mad:
It was a fun ride and a pleasure to have met all of you!

Went home after that burito, n took the nastiest **** ever LOL :angryfire:

Until next time =D
That was awesssomme ride guys....drvive safe
Yeah - it was a great ride, nice turn out...thanks everyone.
And those wheelies, dam' - they were fantastic.

Hey M - hopefully got that oil spill under control - LOL
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