Non-motorcycle question, tweens riding shotgun in a regular cab truck

According to the owner's manual, the sensor for the air bag is supposed to correctly handle the situation and also has an ON/OFF indicator.

that depends on the type the vehicle is equipped with. Base model trucks get a seat occupancy switch and a disable switch in the glove box. Higher trim level Sierra/Silverado got this weight monitoring system that mine is equipped with, no switch in the glove box.

my girls are 10 - 12 lbs difference in weight, the lighter one won’t turn on the airbag and the heavier one does.
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An email from some random cop will hold as much weight as an email from anyone of us... and that's if you can find a cop willing to write it up for you... which you won't.

lol, I have an acquaintance on the Local Regional Police force, I didn’t ask him - not that he wouldn’t have the “correct” answer, but if I were ever pulled over - what Authority would “my friends opinion” have against the Officer standing at the window of the truck? And besides, that’s a Favor to ask phone call I’m saving for something I couldn’t avoid.

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