Non Insurance Claims

I won't waste 2 seconds being a nice guy, I don't pay a ******** of insurance for nothing. They can do all the running around.
I've settled once out of insurance.

I looked at the damage (traffic light rear end, basically cracked bumper with a paint scratch), the guy was nice and honest about it. I knew, I will not bother repair it through a shop, since the car was kind of old with other issues. I saved him a ton of money, since he was professional truck driver ....

The above would not have happened, if my car was nice and in a good shape. Once I need to go through with a shop repair, unfortunately all niceties are off, insurance kicks in ... otherwise, it can end up being a mess for you in the end.
I've settled once out of insurance.

I looked at the damage (traffic light rear end, basically cracked bumper with a paint scratch), the guy was nice and honest about it. I knew, I will not bother repair it through a shop, since the car was kind of old with other issues. I saved him a ton of money, since he was professional truck driver ....

The above would not have happened, if my car was nice and in a good shape. Once I need to go through with a shop repair, unfortunately all niceties are off, insurance kicks in ... otherwise, it can end up being a mess for you in the end.

Going back to diminished value, a cash repair isn't on the insurance radar so if you have a newer car and plan to trade cash is king. Insurance puts the car on the Carfax list. Cash I assume doesn't. Insurers don't compensate you for diminished value so when you trade / sell you lose thousands.
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