No more searching for pink slips

I have no problem with this, and have actually done it before already - got pulled over for an expired plate sticker earlier this year (my dumb, slipped my mind) and I couldn't find my slip. Cop was very patient while I logged into my insurance companies app and pulled up the virtual copy - he looked at it on the screen (phone never left my hand) and that was that. Didn't ticket me either as I think he understood I was having a bad day and it was an honest mistake.

Would I willingly hand over my phone? Probably not...but I don't think that's what's expected - showing the slip on the phone (while the phone remains in your hands) is the expected procedure. If the officer wants to take note of any of the info on that screen and then call in to verify etc I'd probably ask him/her to just write down the policy number (which face it, is all they need) and go from there vs taking my whole phone.

In related news, I wish the MTO would send out the renewal notices 2 or 3 weeks before expiry, not 2 or 3 months before expiry so that you toss it somewhere and promptly forget about it.
I'm not handing my phone over to a cop.. without a warrant.

It's my understanding.. from the last two times I was pulled over and ticketed.. that they have access to insurance information on their system... at least could see that you have a policy.

There's a slip with the ownership in each vehicle we own and another in my wallet.
I'm not handing my phone over to a cop.. without a warrant.

It's my understanding.. from the last two times I was pulled over and ticketed.. that they have access to insurance information on their system... at least could see that you have a policy.

There's a slip with the ownership in each vehicle we own and another in my wallet.

What are the privacy issues? Regardless. Nobody is touching my phone. Except, my Gf.
What are the privacy issues? Regardless. Nobody is touching my phone. Except, my Gf.
Something along the lines of, it the cop has possession of your phone and it is unlocked, they are allowed to look at/for certain things. If it is locked, they need a warrant or permission from the owner to look. IIRC, there was case law that essentially said, if your phone doesn't require a password, you don't assume the contents are secure and the cop can look at it. With a password, there is a presumption of security and police have no inherent right to inspect behind the lock.

There is a push for insurance companies to update their apps to include a pink slip in a locked environment. I have a feeling Apple and Android aren't going to like this functionality (what app needs a password to close/switch out of?).

Holding your phone seems like a decent solution, but that could easily go wrong if the cop tries to steady your phone to make it easier to read and possession transfers. Without video, it would turn into a he said/she said in court and the cop almost always wins that game.

I'm sticking with paper.
Something along the lines of, it the cop has possession of your phone and it is unlocked, they are allowed to look at/for certain things. If it is locked, they need a warrant or permission from the owner to look. IIRC, there was case law that essentially said, if your phone doesn't require a password, you don't assume the contents are secure and the cop can look at it. With a password, there is a presumption of security and police have no inherent right to inspect behind the lock.

There is a push for insurance companies to update their apps to include a pink slip in a locked environment. I have a feeling Apple and Android aren't going to like this functionality (what app needs a password to close/switch out of?).

Holding your phone seems like a decent solution, but that could easily go wrong if the cop tries to steady your phone to make it easier to read and possession transfers. Without video, it would turn into a he said/she said in court and the cop almost always wins that game.

I'm sticking with paper.

All very good points. Thank you. Enforcing why cops are not touching my phone.
something to hide?


In related news, I wish the MTO would send out the renewal notices 2 or 3 weeks before expiry, not 2 or 3 months before expiry so that you toss it somewhere and promptly forget about it.

afaik you can get alerts for renewals emailed to you from the MOT site where you do the renewals.
something to hide?
No. Nothing to hide. Also no reason to potentially expose myself to problems.

What if I sent a text message five minutes ago, will they try to ding me for texting while driving? Probably not, but if they can't see that, the answer is 100% no.

What if someone in my contact list is less than savoury? Do I get documented as being an associate of that person?

What if there are emails on my phone containing confidential information on future land developments that are not public knowledge but of huge public interest (such as Glen Abbey redevelopment years ago).

There is just no upside to allowing access to anything. I'm not being obstinate, I'm being pragmatic.
Store the photo on the phone ..not rocket science.

Not sure that’s technically valid. What’s to stop the photo being photoshopped. But at least you have the policy number so they can look it up.
Even if I/we have anything to hide. it most certainly not the Po Po`s business. Or anybody else's .Then it would touch on Big Brother is watching you. Which, they already do. Why give them more ammunition. My phone, my business.
I’m sticking with paper.
When you hand a cop, or anyone for that matter, your smart phone, you are handing them $800-$1,000+ of fragile, glass enclosed electronic equipment. What happens if the cop drops it, either when it is solely in their possession or during the hand-off? Who’s responsible? Are they going to reimburse you for the full replacement value? A comparable used replacement? Determine fault and pay a percentage? I doubt it!
What if they drop my paper pink slip? It might get dirty? Oh no.....
Paper please!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This is as stupid as paying for your groceries with your phone. A pink slip and a "tap" credit card will run circles around such stupidities. I have my pink slip and the ownership in a little CAA booklet thats easy to retrieve, why would I want to turn on my phone, punch the pin and then try to shade it with my hands so the cop can see it under sunlight?
IIt's my understanding.. from the last two times I was pulled over and ticketed.. that they have access to insurance information on their system... at least could see that you have a policy.

In the last couple of years or so, the MTO, Service Ontario and the police have insurance information that is electronic and shared by the insurance industry. But if you get pulled over and the cop asks for proof of insurance (the pink slip or your phone pic) and you don't produce it, you are given a ticket, yet he could check that info on his computer. It's there.

As we enter the electronic age, old laws die hard (the law that says you must carry "proof of insurance"), and we get fined for nonsense like this!
Wait for it

Big Data Breach Affects All of Ontario

^ Caused by a poorly written app like McD

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Don't fly much eh Peggy?? ...
Image result for boarding pass on phone

I don't even to to the store for my grocery shopping. :rolleyes:

In Australia they have even eliminated the yearly stickers. Cops device just reads your plate for up to date rego which also includes insurance.
Don't fly much eh Peggy?? ...
Image result for boarding pass on phone

I don't even to to the store for my grocery shopping. :rolleyes:

In Australia they have even eliminated the yearly stickers. Cops device just reads your plate for up to date rego which also includes insurance.
No phone payment here either. Never going to trust, or figure out, how to do that. Hell, I've barely mastered using a credit and debit card at this point.

I fly once a year and there is no way I would trust that my boarding pass would be available on my phone, No data plan and I'm just not that comfortable that the phone will be able to display what I need to get on the plane. I will always print out my boarding pass. If they stop offering printed boarding passes I will have to stop flying! With a printed boarding pass I also have somewhere to stick the baggage claim tag.
No phone payment here either. Never going to trust, or figure out, how to do that. Hell, I've barely mastered using a credit and debit card at this point.

I fly once a year and there is no way I would trust that my boarding pass would be available on my phone, No data plan and I'm just not that comfortable that the phone will be able to display what I need to get on the plane. I will always print out my boarding pass. If they stop offering printed boarding passes I will have to stop flying! With a printed boarding pass I also have somewhere to stick the baggage claim tag.
Me too. The only reason i have a smart phone is because the service for my flip phone was eliminated. Buying into that technology is ********.
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