No more demo rides?

Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if they made full M a requirement for any bike...just to make sure the rider has at least rode a little and at a minimum passed both the M2 and the ministry road test. If they actually do scrap the demo days (including Rock the Red) that will be a sad day, as it would make test riding pretty much impossible. Not sure how many want to drop $12,000+ on a brand new motorcycle having never rode it, especially if they are interested in 2-3 different models.

The one demo ride I did was just b4 i bought my FJR.
I had read up on pretty much everything re. the bike and a demo ride was just the final deciding factor... Even if a demo wasn't available I probably would have bought one anyway..
I remember the demo ride did have rules re. licensing...
Some bikes were off limits if you didn't have your full M.

As far as demos being discontinued.... it's down to a cost/benefit analysis... if they don't see that demo's lead to increased sales... Why bother with them.
That being said, the leader of the rides tend to go into the HTA172 territory (on single lane rural roads), and having complete newbies trying to follow along is bad news.

Went on a demo ride with Honda, 3 maybe 4 years ago from Mosport. CBR250 just out, choose that as my ride. Leader told me to be right behind her as she led. Judged her speed depending on my keeping up with her because I was the smallest bike. Couple guys complained later, but hey a 250 can only go so fast when driven to the redline and pinned most of the time.
Went on a demo ride with Honda, 3 maybe 4 years ago from Mosport. CBR250 just out, choose that as my ride. Leader told me to be right behind her as she led. Judged her speed depending on my keeping up with her because I was the smallest bike. Couple guys complained later, but hey a 250 can only go so fast when driven to the redline and pinned most of the time.

Sounds like a responsible/considerate leader.

Given my 7+ years with small displacement bikes, I definitely know what you mean.
That being said, I complain when a Supersport cuts in front of me and can't take a corner then "leaves me in the dust" on the straight aways.

Demo days on the track seems like the way to go if they do choose to continue... Better feel of the bike, controlled environment, and the insurance aspect would be simpler (I assume). Only problem is the average Joe(Bass) trying to get into riding a motorcycle likely wouldn't make a trip to the track to try a bike.
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Sounds like a responsible/considerate leader.

Given my 7+ years with small displacement bikes, I definitely know what you mean.
That being said, I complain when a Supersport cuts in front of me and can't take a corner then "leaves me in the dust" on the straight aways.

Demo days on the track seems like the way to go if they do choose to continue... Better feel of the bike, controlled environment, and the insurance aspect would be simpler (I assume). Only problem is the average Joe(Bass) trying to get into riding a motorcycle likely wouldn't make a trip to the track to try a bike.

the average joe doesnt just 'Get into motorcycling' even on a regular demo days, it requires some effort, investment, and money(gear, motorcycle safety course, $$)

chances are if they have those things they already are into motorcycling,

I would actually prefer the scenario of going to the track to do demo days, have all the bikes there, from dirt bikes, nakeds, ss, to heavy cruisers. Let everyone actually ride, and test them in a controlled enviornment, and simplify the insurance aspect as well
Quad experts, a dealership near Ottawa has their own offroad track on site to testride all their new atv and dirtbikes.

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Don't feel like reading this whole thread cause I know it's probably derailed at some point.

Are some companies going to be doing demo days for 2018? If yes when will they be announced?
I just got an invite from Indian, they asked me to let them know which bikes I'd like to try in Barrie.

While not my favorite bike, I think they are my new favorite motorcycle company. The seem to get the industry issues, and if they come thryu with those road-ready dirt trackers, I'm all in.
Yamaha still have their Power Tour and they have 2018 dates.
All locations are in QC though. This coincides with an earlier post suggesting group insurance rates in Ontario are probably the main force behind losing demos in ON.
GTAM group ride to Quebec? Who's in?
I can be the interpreter. It's gonna cost you all about 3-4 tanks of gas on my bike (so about $60-80)
Looks like Honda hasn't published anything under "Come Ride With Us", so maybe they really are out for 2018...
Honda is out, no more test rides. It’s official. But I wonder if they will come to horizons unlimited? Last year Honda and bmw were there. HU is obviously a different crowd than a regular test ride clientele. Everybody is a experienced rider. Although......a experienced rider may not be quite the same thing as a good rider.....

there are a lot of riders out there who have been riding for years, just not well.
I always thought if these companies really want to sell bikes, specifically powerful expensive bikes, they should get into the insurance business and offer decent rates themselves on these supersports that are a pain to insure. I'd personally have a much more expensive, bigger, bike if insurance wasn't ridiculous on them.
I always thought if these companies really want to sell bikes, specifically powerful expensive bikes, they should get into the insurance business and offer decent rates themselves on these supersports that are a pain to insure. I'd personally have a much more expensive, bigger, bike if insurance wasn't ridiculous on them.

They might in a bigger market, but as Iceman once put:

We here have a small market with a big bike fixation
I read on Facebook that Snow City Cycle is having a Yamaha demo day in May, IIRC.
Not a huge selection of bikes, but better than nothing.

2018 Kawasaki Demo Day @ ATC Corral (Stouffville)

Saturday June 9th
9:00 AM - 1:30 PM

Bikes available:

2018 Ninja 650 ABS
2018 Ninja 400 ABS
2018 Z900 ABS
2018 Z650 ABS
2018 Vulcan S
2018 KLX 250

Call or email to book a time!
Personally I still find the lack of demo days/test rides from dealerships a little odd...I mean, if I were buying a car, I'd want to actually drive it 1-2x first and compare it with other models before deciding. I can understand no new riders on a $5000 low cc bike, but if I were spending $15,000 on a new VFR, a high end Ducati, Goldwing, etc I'd want to try it first.

Even buying my current bike, as I was deciding between the CBR600RRA and CBR650F, I wanted to ride them back to back, which I did, at a demo day.
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