No fuel guage?

Dude get over it, not all bikes have fuel gauges. Maybe it is cost cutting to keep the value of the bike lower. 38 Years ago when I started riding very few bikes had fuel gauges and we survived riding without them.

Use you trip meter!

P.S. if that was a feature you really wanted why did you buy a bike without one?

i dIdnt, came home one day and bike was here, my wife was getting ****** hearing me say every year I was goin for license and kept putting it off, so she took some initiative and bought it, figuring that would light a fire under me to get license. That was funny cuz I came home and found a bike in the garage, i thought I had just caught my wife banging some biker dude! I was just curious if it was a usual thing for bikes to not have a guage, Its the only bike ive owned so i figured Id ask.
My ninja 250 had one (08+ have them, but -07 don't). My SV doesn't, just an idiot light.
No kidding - she's a keeper Jonny.

I know, at least three times a day she reminds me! I'm probably the only guy with a "remember the day you almost beat me like a runaway slave cuz you thought I was banging a biker Day anniversary?" I knew she was a keeper when we bought our first house and she turns to me and tells me "you know, your grandparents let us live with them while we saved money for our house, we should move them in so they can retire." now that's a gangsta chick!! My dad wasn't even willing to do that. Its hard to find a woman like that so I try my best to show my appreciation. Just had our 12 year anniversary last week :)
...when you have ridden a while you'll be looking back at this thread saying wtf. lol

It's really not that big a deal and very minor compaired to the fact she brought a bike home for you!

She is, but I gotta teach her what a fuel guage looks like for the next time!! Lmao :P
My 2008 Boulevard has a digital fuel gauge which looks nice and fancy but works like crap, full for the first 150kms and then drops like a rock for 30kms, I've never trusted it so I just refill every 180-200kms.
My 1982 CB900F has nothing at all except a trip meter, I have yet to run out of fuel on it but when it does I'll just switch the knob over to Reserve and get gas.
My Nighthawk doesn't have one either.
When it starts sputtering, I flip it to "reverve" and I'm good to go for at least another 50 KM :)
Using a trip meter becomes routine.
My 2008 Boulevard has a digital fuel gauge which looks nice and fancy but works like crap, full for the first 150kms and then drops like a rock for 30kms, I've never trusted it so I just refill every 180-200kms.
My 1982 CB900F has nothing at all except a trip meter, I have yet to run out of fuel on it but when it does I'll just switch the knob over to Reserve and get gas.

My fancy dancy BMW K1200 was the same. Not worth the space it takes up on the dash. I always went by the trip meter.
...That was funny cuz I came home and found a bike in the garage, i thought I had just caught my wife banging some biker dude!...

LOL, Your wife is special. And you're worrying about not having a fuel gauge?

Most bikes do not have a fuel gauge and for many that do, they do not work well. The shape of the tank makes it difficult to be accurate, unlike a rectangular car fuel tank. Bikes are minimalist (barring the 'Wing and a couple other sofas on wheels), and a fuel gauge is not only unnecessary but might also be innaccurate and misleading.
I don't troll, I move at a pimps pace, I be s-trollin' ya dig?! Lol, seriously tho, what I know about bikes couldn't fill a toilet so im just askin about stuff I'm curious about. Like I'm thinking about a stage 1 dynojet kit, but is it just a performance upgrade, or does it also help the bike to perform more efficiently?

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