Niqab ban at Citizenship Ceremony


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Good hope the courts uphold the ban this, it is a first step in a positive direction.

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BTW, "in" before someone pulls the "racist" card...
ace of spades?
I would prefer people do take it off, but at the end of the day I couldn't care less, if this is how they choose to present themselves. It simply doesn't and shouldn't invalidate their citizenship right to oath if they passed all the requirements set out by the Canadian government. If the do want to check the identity of the person they will and can do so.
She is suing because her rights are violated? She removed it to get her dl. She doesn't get the idea of swearing an oath.Good for Jason Kenney.
Behind the scenes she's probably part of an orchestrated test like the turban thing for Sikh bikers. What person hoping to achieve citizen status would stop the ceremony already in full swing to excercise rights? Everybody has to do something unpalatable from time to time to get what they want. Just a guess on my part of course, she may well be part of the Pakistani uppercrust with a white womans' sense of entitlement.
Behind the scenes she's probably part of an orchestrated test like the turban thing for Sikh bikers. What person hoping to achieve citizen status would stop the ceremony already in full swing to excercise rights? Everybody has to do something unpalatable from time to time to get what they want. Just a guess on my part of course, she may well be part of the Pakistani uppercrust with a white womans' sense of entitlement.
She's exercising her right as a "full" Canadian citizen... her Charter of Rights...

... except she's not fully Canadian as yet.
"Zunera Ishaq, a Pakistani woman" - I can offer directions to the airport.
Kick the ***** out and send her family after her.
So this got me thinking... I have a ticket to fight in court, since I'm Canadian and hockey is my religion, I'll wear a hockey mask to court.
Whaddya say???
This reminds me of the woman who insisted on wearing a niqab while driving a damn school bus.
Parents insisted they see the face of the person behind the wheel.
Sometimes you do have to conform... Even in Canada.
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