Ninja 300 Crash

There isn't much to learn by viewing this video other than people who are mouth-breathers typically believe that they can do anything that they try. That is a fallacy; we are all born with different levels of mental and physical abilities. If you have 8th place trophies at home you are a mouth-breather!

Who ****** in your Cheerios?
I can see how things like this happen. Low mileage rider starts turning a bit late, bike drifts a bit close to the white line or edge of the road, and suddenly "hmm, I don't have much room left" trips the mental panic alarm and things go bad. Target fixation, if the target is the edge of the road.

I wonder if anyone here doesn't know what target fixation is? I haven't seen it come up in a conversation in a while.

I remember going through the same thing the first few times I took my new-to-me FJ around the block for the first time. Was mostly caused by my lack of feel and coordination over the controls.

I can sympathize. But that was one mild-*** non-corner.
Guys like you: how many 8th place trophies do you have at home?

"What has happened to civility? What has happened to us? Have time pressures changed us into uncaring, frenzied individuals?"
Well, for all those people who say you don't need to learn how to consciously counter steer because you do it automatically - this is what comes of that.
Almost happened to me shortly after passing my test - in the UK they don't even teach you how to push steer, let alone the theory behind it.
"What has happened to civility? What has happened to us? Have time pressures changed us into uncaring, frenzied individuals?"
It's the internet. I'm sure he has nothing but firsts and is just as good or better than rossi. :rolleyes:

Everyone makes mistakes. This was a stupid one yes and going to a bigger was too but that's just how it works sometimes.
clearly ready for an upgrade. Although the choice of a gixxer doesn't surprise me here either, I'm a little shocked he didn't go for the 750 so he doesn't 'outgrow a 600'....maybe he wants to crash once more first before needing to get a 1000.
Also on a serious note....I still remember one of my M2 course instructors used to race, and his comment was if you ever think you won't make a corner and it is too late to stop/bleed off speed, just lean more. The bike can lean more than you think you can lean, and either you'll make the corner or you'll lowside...and a lowside is better than a highside on the shoulder (if you are wearing gear).
Also on a serious note....I still remember one of my M2 course instructors used to race, and his comment was if you ever think you won't make a corner and it is too late to stop/bleed off speed, just lean more. The bike can lean more than you think you can lean, and either you'll make the corner or you'll lowside...and a lowside is better than a highside on the shoulder (if you are wearing gear).
Definitely good advice, I was also told this. Helped me out a couple times, though I don't know if I would have actually gone down or not.
I think he was looking at his buddy up front and by the time he saw the bend in the road it was to late. Sorry I just call Noob here.

That's not usually how it works. Looking far ahead would have meant he could see the exit of the bend, and plan a trajectory. He was going too quickly for his own ability, panicked, starting staring at the edge of the road as the bike approached it, and ended up right where he was looking. Classic target fixation.
Yeah. Fixated on the edge of the road instead of looking where he needed to go. Noob mistake. As stated already...if yer gonna crash...lean it in more. Nothing to lose at that point...and the bike will lean a lot more than you think. Even said it to myself on occasion.
is it just me or did anyone else fixate on and replay the part where he went ... "oh **** oh **** oh **** oh **** oh **** ...... oh **** AEUUGGHGHGHHHH"
This guy needs sure needs some riding/cornering lessons. Also, he could've easily saved it, if he didn't panic so ****ing bad. Just go straight and rear break.
I started on a 600 f4i 10 years ago(too much bike for me at the time) and laid it down at the Forks trying to keep up with some more experienced friends.
After that, went straight to FAST and took both courses, best money I've ever spent on motorcycling. Smooth is fast, fast is smooth :)
LOL....WHat a rider.
Just means there will be some more 600 parts for racers to buy up soon.
My 15 yr old nephew with about 100 km's experience under his belt rides way better than the dude in the video,LOL
LOL....WHat a rider.
Just means there will be some more 600 parts for racers to buy up soon.
My 15 yr old nephew with about 100 km's experience under his belt rides way better than the dude in the video,LOL

Your 15 year old nephew knows where his head and eyes should be pointing when going around a corner :-)
I dont understand the video.

That bend's weak bro.
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