Lovely evenings coming up and here's a suggested route to see the lights at Niagara which are on til midnight.
note to self - don't put the camera on the posts by the falls...there is this tremor. :confused1:
But Fearless looked the part. That close encounter didn't phase him a bit.
Britannia West to Appleby, south to Side Road 4 which is the next right ( slippy in spots so go easy ),
Left at the end of SR4 on Walkers to Side Road 1, go right towards the escarpment, nice ups and downs.
Across Guelph line - gorgeous house on the left if you do this in daytime - it's sort of built right into the escarpment.
Very hard left ( yes I mean hard ) at the top and follow that around by the golfcourse to Parkside in Waterdown - some nice twists.
Get into Waterdown and head down Snake ( was pretty good tho we were cautious due to gravel reports ).
Down Snake and stay left at the Y then along the edge of the 403 - first right take it down to Lakeshore Drive. ( there is a jog left then right)
Lovely road busted up by too many stop signs....wonder why that is.?
Lakeshore to QEW to Centennial - up to Ridge - lots of gravel on Ridge and it doesn't look accidental so go easy the first while.....
As far along as you care to go, fantastic views early on, then drop down to some of the agricultural roads just below the escarpment - good pavement - lots of deer postings.
Wander along til they run out and hit 8 through St. Catherines and get to Niagara on the Lake.
Stay on the Niagara Parkway along the river - ( very sweet that late - no traffic and some decent sweeps ) - gawk at the Falls and then continue on the Parkway to Fort Erie but keep going til the Parkway ends.
Go to Old Fort Erie and then right up the secondary highway to Ridgeway - hang a right at the lights on Ridge Road and once you get a little further along there is a stretch of very sweet twisties - nary a soul around at night. Elevation changes as well to nice ride along the ridge - used to be an old indigenes trail and the road just followed.
Right at the end and hit the QEW home.
Took us about 5 hours starting at just after 7 pm. circa 400 km.
note to self - don't put the camera on the posts by the falls...there is this tremor. :confused1:
But Fearless looked the part. That close encounter didn't phase him a bit.
Britannia West to Appleby, south to Side Road 4 which is the next right ( slippy in spots so go easy ),
Left at the end of SR4 on Walkers to Side Road 1, go right towards the escarpment, nice ups and downs.
Across Guelph line - gorgeous house on the left if you do this in daytime - it's sort of built right into the escarpment.
Very hard left ( yes I mean hard ) at the top and follow that around by the golfcourse to Parkside in Waterdown - some nice twists.
Get into Waterdown and head down Snake ( was pretty good tho we were cautious due to gravel reports ).
Down Snake and stay left at the Y then along the edge of the 403 - first right take it down to Lakeshore Drive. ( there is a jog left then right)
Lovely road busted up by too many stop signs....wonder why that is.?
Lakeshore to QEW to Centennial - up to Ridge - lots of gravel on Ridge and it doesn't look accidental so go easy the first while.....
As far along as you care to go, fantastic views early on, then drop down to some of the agricultural roads just below the escarpment - good pavement - lots of deer postings.
Wander along til they run out and hit 8 through St. Catherines and get to Niagara on the Lake.
Stay on the Niagara Parkway along the river - ( very sweet that late - no traffic and some decent sweeps ) - gawk at the Falls and then continue on the Parkway to Fort Erie but keep going til the Parkway ends.
Go to Old Fort Erie and then right up the secondary highway to Ridgeway - hang a right at the lights on Ridge Road and once you get a little further along there is a stretch of very sweet twisties - nary a soul around at night. Elevation changes as well to nice ride along the ridge - used to be an old indigenes trail and the road just followed.
Right at the end and hit the QEW home.
Took us about 5 hours starting at just after 7 pm. circa 400 km.
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