Niagara run. Saturday September 10th

sorry guys I was a little too hung over / tired to get out of bed so early on a saturday.

Looks like you guys had a fun time, at least for the part of the ride that everyone was actually in 1 group LOL
Six of us lost C-Note at about 2:15PM somewhere around Vineland. Slabbed it from there to the Falls, took a break at Timmies and slabbed it back. Nice route, was fun while it lasted :D
I'm sorry that you guys lost the pack! I thought I went over breadcrumbing enough times but I guess it didn't work out. I did try to double back to find you, but then I lost the guys that I was with... Sorry guys
I'm sorry that you guys lost the pack! I thought I went over breadcrumbing enough times but I guess it didn't work out. I did try to double back to find you, but then I lost the guys that I was with... Sorry guys

I don't think breadcrumbing applies here. The riders we met at the tim hortons rest stop did not appear to try to keep pace with the group. The front pack was traveling a lot faster than the back even on the straight.

One thing to note to self is don't start a ride without knowing the exact final destination.
I'm all for breadcrumbing, but the two people in front of us were C-Note and another guy. We were the front of the pack.... ;)
I don't think breadcrumbing applies here. The riders we met at the tim hortons rest stop did not appear to try to keep pace with the group. The front pack was traveling a lot faster than the back even on the straight. One thing to note to self is don't start a ride without knowing the exact final destination.
Breadcrumbing would have helped with the times that our group got seperated 2 of 3'times. First time, rider missed a turn on sdrd 1 because the group crested a hill before the turn. Second time, the rider missed the turn onto 20. Third time we got seperated was not related to breadcrumbing, there were riders waiting at the next turn which i saw but the rider in front did not likely becAuse they left before rider saw. Difference in pace was definately a problem as well though. I was sweep btw so i saw everything.
C note... Where did u end up goin after the cop?... Lol. Did u guys not see him on the way up the hill?
And on the breadcrumbing issue... I think the front pack was a little more advanced then intermediate. If that was stated Im
sure a bunch of ppl would have stayed home.. And there would be no need for breadcrumbing. Lol. Im not complaining, I was in the front 3 and had a great time untill the cop issue
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C note... Where did u end up goin after the cop?... Lol. Did u guys not see him on the way up the hill?
Sounds like someone made some friends at the side of the road. Maybe it was a good thing that i ride slow :)
Awesome ride until the bs at least. The route we took was sweet love the twistys. With the exception of getting stuck at a stop sign or a light I don't see y it is so hard for some peeps to stay in a group. If the rider ahead of u goes u go easy as that. Sure the pace was a "little" quick but just stay togeather it's safer and less likely to have issues with popo. As for us that stuck togeather the highway ride back was sweet but a little much the the time of day lol
Did you guys get pinched in the Victoria Rd, Vineland area?

There was an overzealous popo working the area, we noticed.








Thanks for the pics! :D
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