Another handout for the Ford Government’s friends
Last week, the Ontario government announced a whopping
$285 million handout to TC Energy for pre-development work for its proposed pumped storage facility on the Niagara Escarpment near Meaford, Ontario – a project that would
cost electricity consumers $4-7 billion.
We support expanding storage options, but
even the Independent Electricity System Operator says it's not the best option. In fact, they say it
doesn't compare favorably to alternatives like battery storage and won't provide net benefits to Ontario's electricity system or ratepayers.

much better way to spend almost $300 million would be to
expand our east-west transmission connections with Quebec. This would allow the province to tap into
Quebec's massive hydro-electric reservoir system, storing variable wind and solar energy at a significantly lower cost –
70-80% lower than what TC Energy is proposing.
When Ontario has power to spare, we can supply electricity to Quebec and their reservoirs can hold back water normally used to generate power. When Ontario needs power, Quebec releases that stored water and produces power to export back to Ontario. Simple, elegant and far more cost effective than building a giant new storage facility that
serves only TC Energy’s interests.
It's time for the Ontario government to prioritize consumers over large energy companies. The Ford government’s massive handout to TC Energy is just the latest stop on the gravy train.
Please contact Energy Minister Stephen Lecce and ask him why he is taking money out of the pockets of Ontario’s hard-working families to subsidize a giant energy company with assets totalling $125 billion.