I figured it would'nt take long till the cops got involved,its just like some jerks dont give a crap about riding areas.I used to ride this area in the early 90s and started riding again in 2007,this place has been ruined in the last few years.Any land owner that sees the deep ruts,garbage,fire pits and hears the extra loud 4stokes echoing thru the woods is bound to close the property.Just like the ganny some people pay to play and some wont,seen many quads on single track some I talked to didnt seem to know and some just dont give a sh**.Talk about loud bikes,it does'nt seem to make any difference how many sighns are posted some guys just love their loud MX machines.If OFTR and others cant enforce the Ganny better give it a few more years before they limit the riding area or just shut us down for good,just like Northumberland.There thats my rant for the day.