New Supermoto Club in 2012

a treaded street tire will offer absolutely no advantage in the dirt.

These bikes are VERY light and street tires are not the best option as they are designed for heavy bikes and will not generate heat on an SM bike.

The best option for learning to ride in the dirt is to do it, but do it on MX wheels on an MX track.

This will teach you what the bike wants to do under different conditions and situations.

you can then apply this experience while riding with slicks in the dirt, but pull your aggressiveness back 20-50% until you get a feel for the amount of traction available.

The available traction with slicks on dirt is much more than most would believe.
Hi all, my name is Jerrett Bellamy and myself along with a few fellow racers are heading this club up.
Its awesome to see so much interest on here already. We haven't officially launched this yet - waiting to finalize a few things mostly sponsor and $$$ related...
There will definetly be open track days at the location mentioned on the website in Drumbo (401 exit 250 between Kitchener and Woodstock)
The goal is to get guys riding supermoto and get our numbers back up so that there will be enough racers to support a stronger effort towards organizing a racing series around Ontario

I am finalizing details for a booth at the supershow in january so plan to come say hi there

More info will be posted soon and I'll keep you guys in the loop
If anyone wants to get involved contact us at
Again the website is
Also, for some cool supermoto videos and stuff check out my personal website
The available traction with slicks on dirt is much more than most would believe.

I have noticed you saying that few times and I have no doubt you are correct. It's just the logistics of having one street legal heavy DRZ with one set of wheels. I simply need the DOT tires on. Maybe it's time to get second set of wheels and help myself that way. Second SM bike just for a track would be awesome, but I have no extra space to park it ...
Thanks Jerrett for coming on board and introducing yourself, I'm sure with the site updates and a few notes posted here we all should be able to stay in the loop. Thanks for the effort putting this together.

Recip takes it to another level with the tire discription-thanks for that, on that note, my intention was to hopefully lesten the anxiety or hesitation of riders unfamiliar to dirt on a smooth tire (not a knobby). learn with what you have and learn as you go if you don't have the option to hit an MX track with your bike set up with knobbies. There is always ways to upgrade now or later.
This upcoming facility for SM riders will give that opportunity - learn, come out and try, have fun and be safe. Who knows maybe it'll spark some to come out and race !!
- no harm ment -

Good work Jerrett. Just heard from Keith that Shanny pulled out. At least this makes up for it somewhat.

Let me know if I can help.
If Shannpnville is out for racing SM in 2012 this could be a good thing for the club. Its not about a structured race environment at this point anyway, maybe Jerrett and his crew will offer more dates for SM riders to have some fun - only they will say for sure, looking forward to their official launch.

Plan on looking for them at the Motorcycle Supershow in Jan, drop by their booth and meet them - a great bunch.

Sounds good, will definitely stop by in January .... oh and congrats getting it off the ground.
I think the open track days are a pretty cool idea and the track would only be an hour away from me. What kind of gear would be required to ride?
I think the open track days are a pretty cool idea and the track would only be an hour away from me. What kind of gear would be required to ride?

I have MX gear and sport bike gear. MX gear include MX boots, upper body armour, knee pads, MX pants, MX helmet. My sport bike gear is full leathers, back protector, sport bike boots and sport bike helmet. I usually wear my MX gear for tracks with slower speed and my leather with MX stuff for faster tracks. Based on what I saw from the layout, I would suggest that the speed will not be high and MX gear will be perfect. People are free to wear what they want but most place force a good helmet, gloves, and boots that cover the ankle at the very least. Please correct me if you guys are planning anything different.
Use either as clamca noted. A lot of the riders use MX gear with plenty of good protection under the shirt and pants - if you fall on pavement usually a fabric shirt won't last to the abrasion, thats where your protective gear comes in. A leather suit offers the best protection against abrasion, however is more restrictive that MX gear for movement. Helmet is your choice usually a good MX helmet and goggle works great and will provide more air flow around the face in hot weather, however, if you have a street helmet it will do the job just fine. MX boots are best suited to Supermoto. A street boot will work, but will wear out fast if you are a foot out rider (it touches down onto pavement). The MX boot will also wear but a sole is less expensive to replace than the boot itself. Then there is the SM boots with replaceable sole protectors, pricy but effective and based on an MX boot.
Pick your poison, just get the best protection you can afford, and check the site for future info as it comes out, I bet they'll have that info anytime.

Thanks for the interest here. I'm sure Jerrett and crew have a look and see what the chat is about, that said I can only answer general questions from my experience in the sport, if you have a particular question or comment go ahead and ask here, they'll probably jump in when they get a chance.

Stupid question - I just bought a Dual Sport bike (Yamaha xt250). Can I ride it on this course? I'm new to dual sport riding and not sure where I can go with it or even how to ride it to is capabilities. It would be nice to meet some fellow members with similar bikes so I can learn the difference in riding styles. I'm only use to riding sport bikes.
for gear:
helmet, gloves, boots, full length pants and jersey mandatory. The rest is up to you. It only takes one slide on the pavement to realize you need some decent protection.
If you wear mx gear I strongly recommend a upper body jacket and some padded shorts under your pants - a little extra wear before your skin. Leather is best for pavement but its hot. I wear the troy lee leather supermoto pants and upper body armor that they no longer make. Hopefully supermoto blows up again and they make some more!

strictle - yes! you can come out and ride with us. Your bike will be real easy to setup. Stock wheels and tires will be fine. Just set up some sliders and catch cans for safety. If you need help with that shoot me a message
Stupid question - I just bought a Dual Sport bike (Yamaha xt250). Can I ride it on this course? I'm new to dual sport riding and not sure where I can go with it or even how to ride it to is capabilities. It would be nice to meet some fellow members with similar bikes so I can learn the difference in riding styles. I'm only use to riding sport bikes.

16 hp and 280 lbs..damn that thing is going to be a dog

I believe they come with Chinese knobbies from the may want to get some better dual sport tires, especially if you want to run pavement.

Other than that, don't see why not.
Also interested

Recently acquired a Konker KSM200. I was going to put knobies onto for only dirt riding, but this is making me reconsider. Does anyone know of the cost associated with participating in this sort of event? Is track time done hourly, or daily?
motomike - Prices will be considerably less than $100/day at our events in Drumbo.
Prices aren't finalized but the membership is looking around $40-50 for the year and the single practice day fee would be around $40 too but don't quote those prices as they arent finalized. We want to keep things cheap so we get lots of riders out.
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