New Royal Enfield dealer in town

Whatever the problem is, it'll be something dumb - these bikes are pretty simple.
I hate to ask, did you check the fuses and battery connections ?

yah i hope its something dumb. and part of the reason i bought it is because it should be pretty simple to do maintenance etc on it. for the fuses i didnt have a set of pliers to grab them with (i've heard of people picking them out with their fingers and then forever losing them inside the bike). i didnt check the battery but im not sure how that affects startup since bike would turn on (dash/lights) and the ignition button would start cranking with no issue (well except for the bike not firing up haha).

but ya its out of my hands for now. hopefully i hear from the dealer soon. i reached out to the dealer i bought it from (OVC) and they say im the first one to have this issue so i mean..thats a good sign i guess.
OP - I have sent an email to RE North America to get clarification about Roadside Assistance. If their own people don't know how to do it, that's BS. Its part of the 3 year warranty package.

I have done the same thing and emailed about it.

i hadn't really looked over the roadside info because honestly i didnt think i would need it this soon. but now that im home, i can see in my package of papers that all i have is a white piece of cardboard detailing my "Member benefits" and the phone number saying to call it when you need help. thats what i did and was met with absolute cluelessness. i basically paid out of my pocket to have it towed. (maybe someone with better mechanical knowledge could have fixed it on the side of the road but unfortunately thats not me)

i'll be talking to OVC about what the actual procedure is too.
I have done the same thing and emailed about it.

i hadn't really looked over the roadside info because honestly i didnt think i would need it this soon. but now that im home, i can see in my package of papers that all i have is a white piece of cardboard detailing my "Member benefits" and the phone number saying to call it when you need help. thats what i did and was met with absolute cluelessness. i basically paid out of my pocket to have it towed. (maybe someone with better mechanical knowledge could have fixed it on the side of the road but unfortunately thats not me)

i'll be talking to OVC about what the actual procedure is too.
At three days old, I would have called OVC, told them where I was and given them 30 minutes to arrange a pickup. If the system doesn't work for you, they have more phone numbers to call to get a resolution (or they could arrange a private tow and deal with RE to cover it after if RE was completely unable to help now). If I am selling something that falls flat on its face after delivery, I would want to know and get it front of it to maintain happy customers (especially when the product is starting to see some light after a history of darkness).
I had a short chat with BMW roadside last year. Took awhile as apparently there is no direct line for motorcycle service, you have to get transferred from the car side. After that it went pretty smoothly.

Like yours it’s included with the warranty.
At three days old, I would have called OVC, told them where I was and given them 30 minutes to arrange a pickup. If the system doesn't work for you, they have more phone numbers to call to get a resolution (or they could arrange a private tow and deal with RE to cover it after if RE was completely unable to help now). If I am selling something that falls flat on its face after delivery, I would want to know and get it front of it to maintain happy customers (especially when the product is starting to see some light after a history of darkness).
yah i did contact OVC while i was on the side of the road too. thats when they told me they hadnt had this happen before with any of their other sales. at that point though i was already dealing with the 'free roadside assistance' and assumed it would go smoothly.

sucks because i was literally on my way to humber river hospital get my 2nd vax shot. i'll probably head there today on my 100% working ducati haha.
iblastoff - what's the word on your bike ? Inquiring minds need to know.

no word from flying squirrel so far.

no word from the email i sent to royal enfield.

i got a response from their youtube channel though lol. i gave them my contact yesterday. have not heard anything yet from their team.


called OVC yesterday (where i bought it from) but got answering machine so i left a message.

i will be demanding some sort of payment/credit since i had to use my own CAA membership to deal with this mess.

on the upside, i rode my ducati to get my 2nd shot and now im fully vax'ed!
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My former student is almost ready for 1st service (500kms) and he’s had no issues.

colour me jealous!! i think i was at 120km on the odometer before it died on me.

i think the only silver lining is this was during the initial break in period so i couldnt exactly ride too far out of town just yet.
CAA drivers are currently not allowed to let you ride with them, so i cant imagine having to get some sort of transit to get me back home if i was stuck hours away from the city. thank god.
colour me jealous!! i think i was at 120km on the odometer before it died on me.

i think the only silver lining is this was during the initial break in period so i couldnt exactly ride too far out of town just yet.
CAA drivers are currently not allowed to let you ride with them, so i cant imagine having to get some sort of transit to get me back home if i was stuck hours away from the city. thank god.
Yes I had that same conversation with BMW roadside and I was 3 hrs away. Was making more sense for the wife to just bring me my spare key otherwise she’d have to come anyways to give me a lift.
one other thing i remember, when i first brought the bike to flying squirrel for diagnosis. the mechanic was hitting the starter and then immediately rotating the throttle. at that point the engine was revv'ing, but as soon as she let go, it would die.

i mentioned this on another forum and the responses seem to indicate that its not a relay problem.

also taking TTC ******* sucks. havent taken it in literal years and was more annoyed than ever lol.
i will be demanding some sort of payment/credit since i had to use my own CAA membership to deal with this mess.
Since RE roadside assistance seems to have fallen flat on its face, RE covering a CAA plus or premiere membership seems reasonable.
Or subcontracting to any of the local services ?
Pretty much anything is better than "sorry, we don't know how to help in canada". CAA is just convenient as it covers the whole province. I wouldn't want to wait for a GTA truck to come pick me up in North Bay.
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